Broadway Trust Company
Broadway below Walnut St. Camden, N.J.
J.J. BURLEIGH President
ANTHONY KOBUS Vice President
WM. J.COOPER Vice President
BURLEIGH H. DRAPER Secretary and Treasurer
- John J. Burleigh
- William Mills
- Dr. S G. Bushey
- Anthony J. Oberst
- Ralph D. Childrey
- John Wesley Sell
- Robert H. Comey
- Dr. Marvin A. Street
- William J. Cooper
- Wilbert L. Sweeten
- George A. Frey
- Edward B. Stone
- Albert Fogg
- Adam Schlorer
- Frederick Grant
- Bernhard F. Schroeder
- John B. Kates
- Edward Schuster Jr.
- Dr. Grant E. Kirk
- John O. Wilson
- Anthony Kobus
of Camden, N. J., Broadway below Walnut St, at the close of business March 7, 1916.
Bonds and Mortgages……………………… $300 00
Stocks and Bonds……………………………. 196,341 26
Time Loans on Collaterals………………. 127,158 50
Demand Loans on Collaterals…………. 331,990 09
Loans to Cities and Towns………………. 140,038 73
Notes aud Bills Purchased………………. 524,049 31
Overdrafts………………………………………… 27 33
Due from Banks, etc………………………… 153,324 56
Banking House, Furniture & Fixtures.. 17,500 00
Other Real Estate…………………………….. 30,000 00
Cash on Hand………………………………….. 70,687 45
Checks and Cash Items…………………… 9,317 82
Other Assets……………………………………. 3,593 43
Total……………………………………………….1,604,328 48
Capital Stock paid in……………………… $100,000 00
Surplus Fund………………………………….. 125000 00
Undivided Profits (net)…………………… 5,052 64
Time Deposits………………………………… 668,855 07
Demand Deposits………………………….. 643,426 30
Demand Certificates of Deposit……. 7,865 00
Certified Checks…………………………….. 3,354 82
Treasurer’s Checks Outstanding……. 11 00
Due to Banks………………………………….. 21,363 65
Mortgage Payable………………………….. 25,000 00
Reserve for Interest Accrued on
Deposits……………………………………….. 4,400 00
Total……………………………………………. $1,601,328 48
State of New Jersey, County of Camden, ss
ANTHONY KOBUS, Vice President, and B. B. DRAPER, Treasurer, of the above named Company, being severally duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says that the foregoing statement is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief.
ANTHONY KOBUS, Vice President,
B. B. DRAPER, Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of March, A. D. 1916.
Correct–Attest: Notary Public.
GEO. A. Fry, GRANT E. Kink, Jory W. SELL, Directors,
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