1107 Kaighn Avenue
The Camden Hardware Company operated at 1107 Kaighn Avenue from about 1910 into the 1960s. It was founded by Simon Cybulski and his wife Martha. The Cybulskis were among the earliest Polish immigrants to Camden. The 1906 City Directory shows the family living at 1443 South 10th Street, not far from St. Joseph’s Church.
Simon and Martha Cybulski turned over management of the business to their son, Leon, around 1929. By 1930 they had moved to Laurel Springs NJ. Sadly, Martha Cybulski passed away in March of that year.
Leon J. Cybulski was running the business in 1947, according to the city directory for that year. The business appears in the 1959 New Jersey Bell Telephone Directory, but does not appear in the 1970 edition. The business most likely closed in the late 1960s, after the first Camden riot.
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Camden Hardware Company
1107 Kaighn Avenue The Camden Hardware Company operated at 1107 Kaighn Avenue from about 1910 into the 1960s. It was founded by Simon Cybulski and his wife Martha. The Cybulskis were among the earliest Polish immigrants to Camden. The 1906 City Directory shows the family living at 1443 South 10th Street, not far from St.…
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