Category: Bars and Clubs
The Red Carpet
1037-1039 Broadway From the 1980s into the late 1990s, 1037-1039 Broadway was home to the Red Carpet, a bar owned and operated by Elaine Gardiner Brundage. Elaine ran the bar until about a year before her death at 61 on December 25, 2000. During the 1990s, she was assisted by her companion Randy. In the…
Time and Place Lounge
1199 Chase Street The building at 1199 Chase Street, in the heart of what was the predominantly Polish Whitman Park section of Camden, was the home of a saloon as early as 1918. Joseph Brzozowski was the proprietor then, and remained as such through 1921. City Directories from 1924 through 1928 list Simon Sochanski as…
Ionic Lodge No. 94
Free and Accepted Masons The Ionic Lodge, originally known as the Corinthian Lodge, was established in 1868. It had its roots in the Camden Lodge, No. 15, which served as the “parent” lodge for Corinthian. The transformation into Ionic Lodge No. 94 occurred on February 23, 1869. Throughout its history, Ionic Lodge boasted a membership…
General John A. Logan Post No 102 – G.A.R.
Post 102 – Grand Army of the Republic General John A. Logan Post No. 102 was established on February 7, 1887, in Camden with an initial membership of 11 veterans. The post was named after General John A. Logan, a prominent Republican Senator from Illinois who played a significant role in veterans affairs and advocated…
Waldorf Tavern
4100 Federal Street Originally opened as a liquor store on Federal Street, by 1966 The Waldorf Liquor Company had become the Waldorf Bar. The Giambrone family operated the establishment in the 1990’s. In 2000, the bar changed hands and was known as Cafaro’s Waldorf Tavern and, later, Roman’s Waldorf Tavern.
Briggs Cafe
1197 Lansdowne Avenue Briggs Cafe operated at 1197 Lansdowne Avenue, the corner of Louis Street and Lansdowne Avenue in Camden’s predominantly Polish Whitman Park neighborhood. Matthew Derengowski and family were living at 1197 Lansdowne Avenue when the census was taken in April of 1930. Matthew was then working as a hardwood floor scraper. Matthew Derengowski’s…
Walt’s Cafe
1197 Lansdowne Avenue Walt’s Cafe was located at 1197 Lansdowne Avenue, on the corner of Lansdowne Avenue and Louis Street. The bar had operated as Briggs Cafe in the late 1940s, and in the late 1960s and early 1970s as Walt’s Cafe. During the 1990’s, the bar was known as the Camelot Lounge.
Camden Chiselers Club
The Camden Chiselers Club was organized in 1930 by Camden County Chief of Detectives Larry Doran, attorney Rocco Palese, and several other members of Camden’s political and business community. On January 6, 1938 the club gathered at 1462 Wildwood Avenue, the home of Assemblyman-elect and Mrs. Margaret Palese, to elect officers and celebrate Mrs. Palese’s…
August F. Walters Chapter 4, VFW
Disabled American Veterans of the World War 310 Broadway, Camden, NJ The August F. Walters Chapter No.4, Disabled American Veterans of the World War was named for Private August F. Walters, who died while serving with the American Expeditionary Force in France during World War I. The Chapter was headquartered for many years at 310…
A. M. Mucci VFW Post 2685
The A.M. Mucci Post 2685, Veterans of Foreign Wars was named for Private Angelo Mucci who was killed in action while serving with the United States Army in France during World War I. The Post’s home for many years was at 338 Line Street, in a part of South Camden that had many residents of…
Loyal Order of Moose – Camden Lodge 111
Though the Moose fraternal organization was founded in the late 1800s with the modest goal of offering men an opportunity to gather socially, it was reinvented during the first decade of the 20th century into an organizational dynamo of men and women who set out to build a city that would brighten the futures of…
Nine-Thirty-Nine Bar
939 Market Street (Northwest corner of 10th & Market Streets) Frederick Fielder Jr. lived at and operated a cigar store at 939 Market Street in the late 1880’s and early 1890’s. The address was still a cigar store in 1924, when Francis Yost was in business at the address. A convenient address, across the street…
Knights of the Golden Eagle
The Knights of the Golden Eagle is a secret benevolent institution, founded in Baltimore, Md., February 6, 1873, and is now in successful operation in the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, California, Ohio, New York, Iowa, Georgia, Connecticut, West Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Colorado, Virginia, Illinois, Alabama and the District of Columbia.…
The Alpha Club
The ALPHA CLUB was a social club that consisted mostly of young men from South Camden in the years prior to World War I. The club appears to have organized in 1906, and was active as late as 1917. The Alphas had a headquarters for a time at 708 Broadway. The Alphas sponsored baseball, basketball,…
Vasco’s Cafe
713 S. 3rd Street, Camden, NJ From the late 1900s through 1920 the saloon at 713 South 3rd Street was the home and place of business of Antonio DiPaolo, who would in 1919 found the First Italian Bank in Camden. Joseph Harris operated the establishment in 1931, according the the City Directory of that year.…