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Can I leave comments?

Yes. Comments are enabled on most posts at the bottom of the page. You may register with which offers capabilities outside of

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Is your site mobile-friendly?

We aim to be compliant with all standards, wherever possible.

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How do I comment on content?

In order to comment, you must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Find something you want to reply to, optionally register with Disqus, fill out the form, and comment!

I don’t agree with what you wrote. How do I tell you?

Generally, the data is transcribed from or based on news articles and is not the opinion of nor its authors. You can use the comment form on the page to place your comments. Please note that not all pages can be commented on and all comments are filtered and reviewed before being made available.

Do you have a privacy policy?

Yes we do. You can find it here:

I see articles about surrounding towns. I thought the site was about Camden?

The site is primarily about Camden, however, it is difficult to tell a story in singularity of Camden alone without discussing how Camden affected—or was affected by—its suburbs. Because Camden was such a powerhouse of industry until the middle of the 20th century, it would be a disservice to exclude them.

Can you remove your advertising?

We experiment a lot with the right amount of advertising. It is, unfortunately, needed to offset the costs of running the site, wherever possible. Our goal is to minimize the amount of advertising on the site and are constantly running experiments.

I can only download the city directories or other files. Can I change that?

If you are on mobile, no. This is a limitation of screen size. If you are on a desktop or have a large screen, you should see the content display in addition to a download link.

Can I search PDFs?

Yes! The ability to search PDFs has been added to every PDF on the site. The quality of the text when the file was originally scanned may make finding some text difficult. Some of the scans occurred when moving to microfilm and without the original copy, we are unable to improve said quality.

Are you just stealing content?

This site combines sources — much of it is the work that Phil did, which unifies news articles. Other sources are local historians, and still others are new contributions not seen anywhere else, so it is not a one-for-one copy.

We did copy and mirror a copy of to

However, regarding the question, I will let Phil answer this in his own words:

No man owns history, therefore you should feel free to use anything in this web site for any purpose you see fit. The only important thing is that knowledge be preserved, made accessible, and passed down to future generations. This site is not for profit and proud of it, for to claim title to and profit from the actions of those long gone seems to, at best, bogus, and at worst, immoral. If left to the greedy, there would be no public domain – Constitution and the Bible would be the property of an individual, institution, or corporation.

Phil Cohen,


Can I donate?

It’s not something being openly considered.

What would donations be used for?

Hosting costs, primarily. We also have costs associated to domain registration, our CDN, search capabilities on this site, and more. For future content, we would use it for microfilm research, a subscription, or similar research costs.

If you’re not soliciting donations, why do you describe what you would use them for?

Donations are not openly solicited, however, heavy users of the site may see donation messages pop up and can receive special benefits depending upon the donation commitment. The benefits change over time, though one example could be a sponsored page, special advertising, having no advertising when browsing, etc.