Camden Fire Dept – Garage Fire on Warnock Place

December 15, 2013

Police were already on scene, Squad 7 was the first fire unit to arrive. There was a whole lot of smoke from this detached garage on Warnock Place, an old more or less abandoned street that runs west from South 8th Street between Sycamore Street and Kaighn Avenue. A water supply was secured, and the fire, which had spread to the siding of the adjacent house on 8th Street was quickly dealt with, with no damage to the home save the siding. There were no injuries, which is always a blessing.

The following set of photographs captures the later stages of the incident on Warnock Place. Squad 7, being the first unit to respond, had successfully extinguished the fire, while Ladder 2 and Engine 8 aided in the removal of debris to facilitate the handling of any remaining hot spots. Ladder 1 was present at the scene but did not have any specific tasks assigned to them.

It is noteworthy that prior to the arrival of Squad 7, there was an explosion of a propane cylinder in the garage, propelling it across South 8th Street. Fortunately, despite its considerable size, the projectile did not collide with any passing vehicles or motorists.

Photographs captured during the event are credited to Phil Cohen. Phil also provided the original text of which the above description is derived.


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