FRANK MESTER, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER 4th AND ARCH STREETS. This is one of the most widely known houses in the town, it having…
939 Market Street (Northwest corner of 10th & Market Streets) Frederick Fielder Jr. lived at and operated a cigar store at 939 Market Street in…
January 13, 2014 This page and the other pages in this series are the successors to the series of web-page about the Camden Fire Department.…
Camden Courier-Post – January 13, 1928 Sergeant Ray Smith Heads Committee In Charge of Arrangement for Jousts Not to be outdone by any local organization,…
Camden Courier-Post – January 13, 1928 Health Head Says It Gives False Sense of Security Fumigation as a method of preventing disease was discounted by…
Camden Courier-Post – January 13, 1928 C. Richard Allen, commander and other new officers of Fairview Post No. 71, American Legion were installed last night…
The introduction below was written in 1928, and is original to the first edition of the book. The land upon which Camden is located has…
I’m trying to find a possible gravesite in the Jewish section. My grandparents are buried there. I grew up in…