Samuel S. Elfreth came into the world on August 13, 1845, born at 109 North 2nd Street in Camden, NJ, into the family of Samuel…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Brunner Lauds Rulers for $40,000 Saving by Co-operation in Offices $302,000 IS VOTED ON STREET BONDS All departments of…
Homemakers Off Air 4th Annual Child Welfare Institute Being Planned for April Will Hold 4 Classes The desire to carry on toward the goal envisioned…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Fox Heads Affair; Drive for Members Stressed; Contribute to Red Cross Plans are being formulated for the fourth annual…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Separation of Refuse By Householders Permits Use of Ashes for Street Repairs and Fill Employees to Return Accommodation This…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 The Women’s Independent Republican Association, of the Fourteenth Ward, is giving an informal dinner at 8 o’clock tonight in…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Collections on Liquidations Set Record for City, Brunner Reports By A. Charles Corotis Liquidation of tax title liens produced…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Tail Wheel of Plane Collapses at Central Airport; Nobody Injured Eleven passengers on a Transcontinental and Western Air Transport…
Camden Courier-post – February 11, 1936 Four men were arrested amid revolver shots after a Camden policeman was knocked down by a police car during…
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1936 To the Editor: Sir – I recently read in your paper that W.P.A. had gone in for economy and…
I’m trying to find a possible gravesite in the Jewish section. My grandparents are buried there. I grew up in…