2 Wives Give Same Block Duplicate Murder Scares

Camden Courier-Post – October 27, 1931

And Two Hubbies on Warpath, Both Brandishing Knives, Subdued by Same Cop

Will Tell It to Same Judge Today

Two wives, within two hours, excited the neighborhood of Chestnut Street in the 200 block by running into the street and calling “murder.”

In both instances Motorcycle Patrolman Earl Wright was summoned to subdue ferocious husbands.

The first call came from 290 Chestnut Street. Wright used jujitsu to stop William Passio, 24, from breaking up the furniture and threatening his wife, Catherine, with a bread knife. The cop arrested Passio and confiscated one case or 48 half-pint bottles of alleged whiskey and a punchboard. Sergeant Truax and Policeman Devine assisted.

The second call came from 254 Chestnut Street. Wright and Sergeant Petit found George Hall, 28, at the back door with a carving knife up his sleeve.

His wife, Hazel, said he attempted to kill her. Wright drew his pistol — Hall handed over the knife.

Both men were given “suites” in the city jail pending arraignment today. Both were charged with “threats to kill.”