6 Arrested in Raid Pay $225 in Fines

Camden Courier-Post – June 1, 1932

Six men arrested in a North Twenty-second street raid Saturday night were fined a total of $225, two women forfeited $10 security each and two other men received suspended sentences before Police Judge Pancoast yesterday.

Bernard McLaughlin, 22, of 140 North Twenty-second street, pleaded guilty to permitting disorderly persons to congregate and was fined $100. Detectives testified they found 135 bottles of home brew and two quarts of liquor.

George Humphries, 21, of 140 North Twenty-second street; Francis Sullivan, 22, of 122 North Twenty-second; Edward Parvin, 19, of 123 Dudley Street; George O’Connor, 41, of 1435 South Tenth street, and Arnold Emery, 21, of 2038 Cleveland avenue, were fined $25 each after they testified they saw no one buy anything to drink.

Sentence was suspended on Elmer Ward, 28, of 525 Ray street, a taxi-driver, and Clifford Lydman [actually,Tydeman. –ed.], 21, of 2116 Howell street, who arrived at the “party” at the same time as the police. Mary Patton, 23, of 2412 Garnett street, and Helen Jeffries, 29, of 219 Boston avenue, both Philadelphia, forfeited $10 security.