Clifford Dando Carr came into the world on December 19, 1893, in Pennsylvania, born to John M. and Elizabeth “Lizzie” Carr. The Carr family relocated to Camden in the late 1890s, settling there after the birth of their daughter Edith in November 1896. According to the 1900 Census, they resided at 614 Ferry Avenue in Camden. Tragically, Clifford’s father passed away on November 28, 1902, leaving behind his wife, Elizabeth, and their children: John M. Jr., Catherine “Katie,” William, Clifford, and Edith. By 1906, the family had moved to 697 Spring Street in Camden. In 1907, Katie Carr got married, and Lizzie Carr, along with William, Clifford, and Edith, moved in with her and her husband James Sprowl, residing at 705 Spring Street from 1907 to 1909. The 1910 Census documented the Carrs and Sprowls living at 429 South 3rd Street, where they had reunited with John M. Carr Jr. By 1912, Clifford Carr had moved to 443 Berkley Street. The 1915 City Directory indicated his residence at 535 South 2nd Street.
On December 3, 1915, Clifford Carr married widow Catherine Larkin Morris at Wiley Methodist Episcopal Church on South 3rd and Beckett Streets in Camden. Catherine’s husband, Thomas C. Morris, had passed away in 1913. By 1916, Clifford and Catherine Carr, with her two children from a previous marriage, were living at 324 Evans Street. They resided there until 1922 and then moved to 712 Royden Street.
Clifford Carr joined the Camden Police Department on July 1, 1928, and swiftly rose to the rank of Detective, holding this position into the 1950s.
In the 1930 Census, Clifford Carr and his family were still at 712 Royden Street in South Camden. His wife Catherine, several years his senior, and her two adult daughters lived with them, along with his brother William Carr (a clerk for the Pennsylvania Railroad and a World War I veteran) and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Larkin.
By 1947, Clifford Carr had been promoted to Sergeant and was still serving with the Detective Bureau in Camden’s police force, continuing to reside at 712 Royden Street.
On April 3, 1954, a banquet was organized at Kenney’s restaurant on Market Street in honor of the retiring Camden Police Department detective August Pfleiderer. Clifford Carr was part of the committee that arranged the banquet.
After 1947, Clifford Carr moved to 542 South 8th Street by the fall of 1956. In the 1960s, he relocated to 1210 North Octagon Road in the Fairview section of Camden, where he lived until his passing. Clifford Carr died on September 15, 1967, and was interred at Calvary Cemetery. His wife had previously passed away in 1948.
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