Camac Street (aka Gant Street)

Gant Street was a short street that ran from Knight Street eastward to 1235 South 2nd Street, located between Liberty and Mechanic Streets. No houses were listed on Gant Street in the 1924 Camden City Directory or in any subsequent directory. It is likely that no buildings ever had a Gant Street address. The street likely dates back to at least the 1880s, as homes were present on the 1200 block of Knight Street as early as 1887.

Curiously, modern internet mapping services now identify what was Gant Street as “Camac Street.” However, Camac Street, as listed in the 1906 City Directory and 1914 directories, ran from the Delaware River to South 2nd Street, below Kaighn Avenue, and appears on maps from the pre-World War I era. Camac Street is absent from directories after 1920 and is not the same as Gant Street, which continued to appear in city directories until 1947, the last year they were published.

It seems someone may have conflated the two streets without proper historical research!


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  • Camac Street (aka Gant Street)

    Gant Street was a short street that ran from Knight Street eastward to 1235 South 2nd Street, located between Liberty and Mechanic Streets. No houses were listed on Gant Street in the 1924 Camden City Directory or in any subsequent directory. It is likely that no buildings ever had a Gant Street address. The street…

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