Tag: A. Haines Lippincott
John Foster
John Foster was a well-respected and influential figure in Camden’s police force during the 1890s. He was born in Bloomfield, New Jersey, in the year 1859. In 1861, his family relocated to Camden, where he spent the majority of his formative years. Foster received his education in Camden and began his career as a hatter…
Remembering Camden – Casselman Descendants
Dear Mr. Cohen, I read the link you sent me Memories of Old Cooper Street by Will Paul. This man lived 50 years before I was born, but I recognized many of the names… some of whom had descendants I knew. The author mentioned some people in my family. Thomas E. French, of French, Richards,…
Walt Whitman Acclaimed as ‘International Prophet’
Camden Courier-Post – June 1, 1939 Wescott Recalls Friendship with Poet at Ceremonies Here Marking 120th Anniversary of his birth; Donaldson Tells of Buggy Gift Acknowledged by the world as the poet of democracy, Camden’s own Walt Whitman was acclaimed here yesterday on the 120th anniversary of his birth as the “prophet of a new…
Charles S. Boyer Funeral Services
New Jersey Mirror – November 18, 1936 Summary: Charles S. Boyer – Funeral services were held on Saturday for Charles S. Boyer, whose death on November 10th was recorded in the Mirror last week, at his late home at 205 East Central avenue, Moorestown. Rev. J. Shackleford Dauerty, pastor of Moorestown Presbyterian Church,officiated. Burial was…
Camden Elks to Honor Past Exalted Rulers
Camden Courier-Post – February 8, 1933 Past exalted rulers will be honored tonight by Camden Lodge of Elks with a dinner, ceremonial and entertainment. The program will be nation-wide. A dinner will be served at 6:00 PM, followed by a business session. Harry G. Robinson, present exalted ruler, will open the ceremonial and turn the…
Patrons, Patronesses Announced Today for First Military Ball
Camden Courier-Post – January 28, 1928 Patrons and patronesses for the first military ball of the Camden Post No. 960, Veterans of Foreign Wars, to be held on Friday evening February 3 in the Elks auditorium, Seventh and Cooper Streets, are announced today. The following prominent men and women are listed: Mrs. J.W. Connor, Miss…
New Chairmanship of the Camden Chamber of Commerce Committee
Philadelphia Inquirer – October 7, 1921 Circuit Court Judge Frank T. Lloyd yesterday accepted chairmanship of the Camden Chamber of Commerce Committee which is to study the unemployment question and make suggestions for remedial measures. With Judge Lloyd on the committee are: The committee was named by William E. Bennett, president of the Chamber of…
Camden’s Tragedy Still A Mystery
Philadelphia Inquirer – October 14, 1897 Two Men Arrested in Stockton, But They Easily Prove an Alibi. Police Are Puzzled Officials Believe the House Was Entered By a Burglar. Mrs. Zane’s Will Found Her Son Questioned and the Police Start on a New Clue — Eli Shaw Reticent. Camden’s double murder mystery remains unsolved. The…