Tag: David Helm Jr.
Arthur L. Stone
Dr. Arthur L. Stone held the position of City Health Director in Camden from 1923 until his passing in 1945. During his tenure, he served under various mayors, including Victor King, Winfield Scott Price, Roy R. Stewart, Frederick von Nieda, and George Brunner. Dr. Stone was a strong advocate for an immunization program that played…
David Helm Jr.
DR. DAVID D. HELM JR. was born in Camden NJ on May 31, 1895 to David and Barbara Helm. The Helm family had been in Camden as early as 1867. David Helm Sr. was a butcher, and his grandfather, Charles Blaine, was also a butcher was his uncles Harry and Walter Helm. The David Helm…
Diamond was a city employee, a white horse that was used by the public works department in its tasks relating to taking care of the grounds at Old Camden Cemetery and New Camden Cemetery. Diamond made the papers in August of 1935 and again in the summer of 1936, when he needed to be treated…
Diamond in Dutch – So Is City Over Bill for Treating Horse
Camden Courier-Post – August 31, 1936 Question—Can Municipal Employe Collect for Coming to Aid of Fellow ‘Worker’? Then, Too, Is Animal Worth Fee of $3? By Charles L. Humes Diamond, Camden’s famous white cemetery horse, has eye trouble. And so has Camden, or so it seems. Anyhow, Diamond has the city legal department in a…
5 Bitten by Mad Dog in North Camden Treated for Rabies
Camden Courier-Post – February 17, 1936 State Test Shows Animal Infected, Dr. Helm Informed Drive to Capture All Strays Pushed by Police Chief Colsey Licenses Necessary The dog which ran amok and bit five persons in North Camden Saturday night was suffering from rabies. That was announced yesterday by Dr. David B. Helm, Jr., city…
Stricken by Food in Camden Factory
Camden Courier-Post – June 24, 1933 60 Overcome While At Work in RCA Victor; Probe Started New York Ship Employees Sent to Hospital From Ptomaine Workers of 4 Firms Listed Among Victims Sandwiches Served by Philadelphia Caterer Believed to Be Responsible Nearly 100 Camden factory and shipyard workers were poisoned yesterday after eating food contained…