Tag: Edward J Kelleher Sr

  • Henry Magin Laid to Rest by War Veteran Buddies

    Henry Magin Laid to Rest by War Veteran Buddies

    Camden Courier-Post – August 26, 1941 Trucks of Flowers in Funeral Cortege Funeral services for City Commissioner Henry Magin were held today with his colleagues in official and veterans circles participating. Services were conducted in city commission chambers on the second floor of city hall, in charge of Rev. Dr. W.W. Ridgeway, rector of St.…

  • Is Zat So!

    Camden Courier-Post – February 25, 1938 By Gordon Mackay Fair, charming and, clever, Mrs. Rocco Palese is one of my “favorite girl friends” — this is rather an exclusive organization — to be found in South Jersey. When this charming-matron proceeded to rebuke me with the chastening rod the other day, I was obedient to…

  • School Bill Averts Rise in County Tax

    School Bill Averts Rise in County Tax

    Camden Courier-Post – Feburary 16, 1938 Brunner Asks Support for A-122, Which Bars Interest on Scrip ByA. CHARLES COROTIS Camden City will save $83,239.35 in interest on state school taxes if Assembly Bill 122, awaiting action in the Legislature, becomes law. In addition, passage of the measure would permit Camden county to increase its appropriation…

  • Baird Aides Held Seeking City Rule

    Camden Courier-Post – February 9, 1938 Orlando Warns Democrats at Fete to Moore, Crean and Mrs. Soistmann? by GORDON MACKAY David Baird Jr., and his allies have already arranged their slate for the next city commission election and are laying plans to recapture the city government of Camden. Democrats should know of this movement and…

  • Is Zat So?

    Camden Courier-Post – February 9, 1938 By Gordon Mackay May we not at this time proffer a suggestion to Mayor Brunner, Eddie Kelleher and the other party sachems that should be a sure-fire plan to make Camden county safe for Democracy? We advise that the Democrats gather a fund of $4000, the money to be…

  • Is Zat So?

    Camden Courier-Post – February 5, 1938 By Gordon Mackay Silence is golden where rumpus and ruction in the Democratic camp is concerned. Once upon a time whenever the unterrified Democracy squabbled and battled, fought and bled, ’twas tip secret. Indeed, the Democrats seemed to occupy nine-tenths of their time fighting over something that wasn’t worth…

  • Judge Shay to be Next Prosecutor

    Judge Shay to be Next Prosecutor

    Camden Courier-Post – January 31, 1928 Camden Trenton Bureau Trenton, Jan. 31 – The name of Judge Samuel M. Shay, of the Camden County Court of Common Pleas, has been handed to Governor Moore as the choice of the Camden Democratic organization for prosecutor, succeeding Ethan Wescott. The name was submitted to Governor Moore last…