Tag: Felix Bocchiccio

  • William T. Feitz

    William T. Feitz

    Detective William T. Feitz was born in 1903 to William and Pauline Anne Feitz in New Jersey. At the time of the 1920 Census, the Feitz family lived at 1125 Liberty Street. William T. Feitz worked as an apprentice machinist in 1919 and 1920, while his father worked as a machinist in one of Camden’s…

  • Arnold R. Cream (aka Jersey Joe Walcott)

    Arnold R. Cream (aka Jersey Joe Walcott)

    Meet Jersey Joe Walcott, Camden’s very own! For those who may not be familiar with his story, here’s a brief version. Born on January 31, 1914, outside of Camden, NJ as Arnold Raymond Cream, he grew up in the historically black Matchtown neighborhood, which straddles the border of Pennsauken and Delaware Townships (present day Cherry…

  • Felix Bocchicchio

    Felix Bocchicchio

    Born on August 31, 1906, in Pennsylvania, Felix Bocchicchio left a lasting imprint on boxing history as the manager of Jersey Joe Walcott, particularly during his remarkable ascent to becoming the heavyweight champion in the late 1940s and early 1950s. However, Bocchicchio’s life was filled with diverse and often controversial endeavors, both within and outside…

  • Felix Bocchicchio – FBI Rap Sheet

    Felix Bocchicchio – FBI Rap Sheet

    NAME: Felix Bocchicchio ALIASES: William Arthur Trevers, John J. Bartlet. DESCRIPTION: Born 1907, U.S., 5’7,” 145 lbs., slender build, dark brown hair, brown eyes, dark complexion, has stiff right leg, old bullet wound. LOCALITIES FREQUENTED: Resides 16 Black Horse Pike, Mount Ephraim, N.J., frequents 500 Club, Atlantic City, N.J., Bo-Bet Motel, Mount Ephraim, N.J. FAMILY…

  • The Gangster, Jersey Joe & The Bo-Bet

    The Gangster, Jersey Joe & The Bo-Bet

    The history of a Mt Ephraim hotel reveals a story that could have been script for Hollywood movie staring James Cagney or Edward G Robinson. Felix Bocchicchio was born in the coal mining region of Central Pennsylvania in 1906. His father, an Italian immigrant worked for the railroad. He was raised in a blue-collar neighborhood…

  • Angelo Anthony Leveccia (aka Joey Allen)

    Angelo Anthony Leveccia (aka Joey Allen)

    JOEY ALLEN was the name that Angelo Anthony Levecchia boxed under from 1928 through 1943. He was born in Camden, New Jersey on November 12, 1912 to Anthony Levecchia and his wife, the former Anna Maria Onorati. His father worked for as a laborer for many years at Camden Forge. Angelo Levecchia was one of…

  • Camden Reached Peak in Boxing in 1919-20

    Camden Reached Peak in Boxing in 1919-20

    Camden Courier-Post – July 26, 1955 Standout Performers Appeared in Bouts Held at Armory Camden has had its ups and downs in the boxing game, but probably reached its peak so far as performers are concerned when bouts were held at the Haddon Avenue Armory during 1919-20. However, a number of clubs flourished in the…

  • New Champ Oldest One to Hold Title

    New Champ Oldest One to Hold Title

    Marion Star, Marion, OH – July 19, 1951 By Murray Rose Jersey Joe Kayos Charles to Win Crown After Five Tries PITTSBURGH, July 19—(AP)—Jersey Joe Walcott, an amazing old man of the ring who wouldn’t be licked, today held the world’s heavyweight championship in an astounding climax to an almost unbelievable saga of the ring.…

  • Huge Gambling Joint Raided By State Police

    Huge Gambling Joint Raided By State Police

    Maple Shade Progress – July 28, 1949 Confiscate $38,700, 187 Men Are Nabbed Gamblers Felt Secure As They Thought Raid Wasn’t Possible; Race Wires Are Being Traced By Police LAND FOR BUILDING SOLD BY TOWNSHIP Maple Shade’s so-called “plumbing warehouse” proved to be just what residents suspected it to be – an elaborate gambling establishment.…

  • An Off Day At Jersey Joe Walcott’s Training Camp

    An Off Day At Jersey Joe Walcott’s Training Camp

    Camden Courier-Post – June 10, 1948 On the days Jersey Joe Walcott doesn’t box for his forthcoming return bout with heavyweight champion Joe Louis there’s little activity at his Grenloch Park training camp. Yesterday was one of Walcott’s off days and the camp personnel took it easy. In the group are, sitting, left to right,…

  • Held As White Slaver

    Held As White Slaver

    Unknown publication – March 26, 1932 Stratford Man In Jail at Baltimore On Federal Charge Resulting from Interstate Probe Baltimore, Md., March 25 – A former Stratford, N.J. resident is one of 11 men who were indicted here by a federal Grand Jury which began probing white slave activities after a fatal shooting at a…

  • “Man O’ War” Escapes After Pistol Battle

    “Man O’ War” Escapes After Pistol Battle

    Unknown source – 1931 Felix Boccichicco, Notorious Mt. Carmel Character is Sought by Authorities After Gun Battle with Police Felix Boccicchio, 20, known throughout this region as “Man O’ War,” and termed by police a notorious character, is being sought by county and state authorities today after a gun battle which followed efforts of Mt.…