Tag: James Court
James McDade
James McDade was born in Pennsylvania in September 1860 and had moved to Camden by 1884. His wife, Emma Ferkler, was seven years older than him. Together, they had three children: James Jr., born in October 1886; Joseph, born in May 1887; and Emma, born in March 1892. During this period, the family lived at…
James Court
James Court, a brief thoroughfare extending east from 114 Point Street between Pearl and Birch Street, featured merely six houses, all situated on the north side of the street. Documented in the 1863-1864 City Directory, James Court continued to be referenced until the 1919 Camden City Directory. However, by 1920, any mention of the street…
Samuel Patton
Samuel Patton stood among the original members of the Camden Fire Department, commencing his service on December 7, 1869, assuming the role of an extra man with Engine Company 2. Prior to joining the fire department, he had been employed as a laborer. At the time of his enlistment in the fall of 1869, he…