Tag: James Lynn Mahaffey

  • Bellevue Hospital – Tracking History

    Bellevue Hospital – Tracking History

    By Thomas A. Bergbauer, Retired Courier-Post Editor A few times in the past two months I have received several phone calls from readers asking if a hospital ever existed in North Camden next to the Ben Franklin Bridge and if so, what was its name. The answer of course is, yes! The name of the…

  • Centennial Mirror 1828-1928

    Centennial Mirror 1828-1928

    Centennial Mirror of the City of Camden, NJ Published in the interest of a growing city, nineteen twenty-eight. THE City Commissioners of Camden extend their Greetings to all citizens of the City, State and Nation who may visualize the Camden of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, through this volume which is dedicated to the Cause of…

  • Camden’s Chamber of Commerce

    Camden’s Chamber of Commerce

    The Camden Chamber of Commerce is the clearing house of civic activities. The offices are in the Hotel Walt Whitman Annex on Cooper Street near Broadway. It is supported by the business, professional and civic interests of Camden. The Chamber of Commerce was formed in April, 1919, through a reorganization of the old Camden Board…

  • William Joyce Sewell

    William Joyce Sewell

    William Joyce Sewell was born on December 6, 1835 in Ireland. Orphaned at a young age, he emigrated to the United States in 1851. He was for a time employed in mercantile business in New York City, made several voyages as a sailor on merchant vessels, afterward engaged in business in Chicago, IL. He moved…

  • A history of banking in Camden, NJ

    A history of banking in Camden, NJ

    Camden Banking The Farmers and Mechanics Bank was organized with a capital of $300,000 on March 31, 1855. The banking house at the southeast corner of Front and Market Streets was built at the cost of $18,000. This institution was conducted as a State Bank until September 1, 1864 when it became a National Bank…