Tag: John S. Smith

  • Edward A. Welsh

    Edward A. Welsh

    Edward Aloysius Welsh, renowned as a bar and restaurant proprietor, also took up the role of New Jersey’s State Boxing and Wrestling Inspector during the period when these sports came under state regulation. Born on December 17, 1892, in Ireland to Michael and Katherine Welsh, Edward immigrated to the USA shortly thereafter. His sister Mary…

  • Life Hereabouts by Charlie Humes

    Life Hereabouts by Charlie Humes

    Camden Courier-Post – March 19, 1949 Down Memory Lane with that Old Gang of Yours… in a few of the years when Our Town was as good a sport town as any in the land… from the time that Taylor and Gunnis promoted fights through the years to Roxie Allen… Mickey Blair… Eddie Chaney… Shamus…

  • Insubordination


    Trenton Evening Times – April 6, 1893 The police board of Camdem [sic] has concluded the trial of Lieutenants Lee and Foster and Policemen Ralph Bond, William Repley and George Anderson, and found them guilty of insubordination. Their successors were, immediately elected. They are John A. Smith, Lieutenant First district; J. Harry: Neutze; Lieutenant Second…