Tag: John W. Sell

  • City Scrip to Pass Million This Week

    City Scrip to Pass Million This Week

    Camden Courier-Post – June 25, 1933 Tax Payments Redeem $610,000; County’s $481, 000 Cut to $170,000 Editor’s Note: During the height of the Depression in the 1930’s, Camden, like many other municipalities in New Jersey and the United States, was having problems paying its bills. During this period the City Government paid its bills through…

  • Broadway Trust Company – March-December 1916

    Broadway Trust Company – March-December 1916

    Broadway Trust Company Broadway below Walnut St. Camden, N.J. J.J. BURLEIGH President ANTHONY KOBUS Vice President WM. J.COOPER Vice President BURLEIGH H. DRAPER Secretary and Treasurer Directors: REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Broadway Trust Company of Camden, N. J., Broadway below Walnut St, at the close of business March 7, 1916. RESOURCES.Bonds and Mortgages…………………………