Tag: Oscar A Moore

  • Camden City March of Dimes Campaign

    Camden City March of Dimes Campaign

    Camden Courier-Post – December 22, 1953 Completion of the Camden City volunteer organization which will distribute 1500 can containers to business houses throughout the city for the 1954 March of Dimes was announced today by City Commissioner Aaron, Camden County chairman. With leaders in every ward in Camden City, as well as in all the…

  • Henry Magin Laid to Rest by War Veteran Buddies

    Henry Magin Laid to Rest by War Veteran Buddies

    Camden Courier-Post – August 26, 1941 Trucks of Flowers in Funeral Cortege Funeral services for City Commissioner Henry Magin were held today with his colleagues in official and veterans circles participating. Services were conducted in city commission chambers on the second floor of city hall, in charge of Rev. Dr. W.W. Ridgeway, rector of St.…


    Camden Courier-Post – June 1, 1939 Temporary Laborers Dismissed, While Men Ousted by Hartmann Are Reinstated Three dismissals, three promotions and four reinstatements and two new hirings were announced yesterday by City Commissioner Henry Magin, director of public works. Dismissed were Eugeni Gatti, 208 Washington street; Guilio Marcozzi, 321 Line Street, and George Pollard, 336…

  • Baird Aides Held Seeking City Rule

    Camden Courier-Post – February 9, 1938 Orlando Warns Democrats at Fete to Moore, Crean and Mrs. Soistmann? by GORDON MACKAY David Baird Jr., and his allies have already arranged their slate for the next city commission election and are laying plans to recapture the city government of Camden. Democrats should know of this movement and…