Tag: Robert W. Gordon

  • Gordon’s Hotel and Livery

    Gordon’s Hotel and Livery

    802 South 2nd Street; Corner of South 2nd Street and Pine Street The Gordon family’s entrepreneurial journey began around the year 1876 when Thomas Gordon, alongside his wife Maria, embarked on a venture that would shape their legacy for generations to come. Establishing a saloon and stable at 801 South 2nd Street in Camden, New…

  • Thousands View Chief’s Remains

    Thousands View Chief’s Remains

    Camden Post-Telegram – May 10, 1914 Throngs Jam Court House While Body Lies in State for Two Hours. LAST SAD RITES THIS AFTERNOON Not since the memorable funeral of Chief of Police Foster ten years ago, has there been such a genuine public tribute paid an official of Camden as was in evidence last night…