Tag: Theodore Guthrie
Sixth Ward Republican Club
The SIXTH WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB was active in Camden as early as the 1890s through at least 1947. Richard J. Richardson was the club president for several years around the turn of the century. Camden Fire Department Captain William Deno was another long-time member. As early as February of 1899 the club’s headquarters was at…
Banquet to Honor John S. M’Taggart
Camden Courier-Post – March 10, 1934 Popular Patrolman Will Be Guest at G.O.P. Club in Sixth Ward A testimonial dinner will be tendered Patrolman John S. McTaggart, well known member of the Camden police force, at 8 p.m. next Friday at the Sixth Ward Republican Club. Officer McTaggart, who resides at 806 South Sixth street,…
Roxie Allen Held as One of Gang in Dice Game Holdup
Camden Morning Post – December 8, 1930 Pugilist and Pal Identified as 2 of 4 bandits in Landisville Robbery Players Lined Up, Relieved of $200 Robbers Flee in Stolen Car With Crippled Man at Wheel Roxie Allen, Camden’s famed welterweight boxer, and one of his pals were arrested last night and Identified, according to police,…
Bail Is Denied Roxie Allen in Robbery of 15 in Craps Game
Camden Evening Courier – December 8, 1930 Three Pals of Camden Boxer Also Jailed at Shore for Grand Jury Quartet Identified by Poolroom Owner Limp Betrays Fighter at Landisville – Says He Did Not Aid Holdup Identified as four of the five bandits who held up and robbed 15 men at a craps game in…
Murders and Forger Escape Jail After Shooting Keepers, Killing One
Camden Post-Telegram – July 18, 1916 Wilson Ashbridge, Who Shot and Killed Mrs. Elizabeth Dunbar and George E. Thompson, Check Swindler, Trap Jailor Hibbs by a Ruse and After Slaying Him Shoot Joe Ellis Who Intercepted Them in Flight. Used Revolver Smuggled Into Prison by Confederates and Leave Jail Wide Open in Their Flight, a…