Tag: Wayland P. Cramer

  • Cramer Opens Door to Newspapermen; Controversy Over

    Cramer Opens Door to Newspapermen; Controversy Over

    Camden Courier-Post – June 8, 1933 Dr. Stone Insists on Clear Division of Authority In City, County Relief COLT’S ‘EYE ON CAMDEN’ With peace restored in the Camden County Emergency Relief Administration yesterday, Director Wayland P. Cramer announced he would grant interviews to newspapermen. This turnabout marks the end of a week’s campaign of evasion,…

  • East Camden Bank

    East Camden Bank

    Philadelphia Inquirer – March 28, 1920 Organizers Announce Sale of 600 Shares of Stock Prominent East Camden citizens are forming the East End Trust Company and at a meeting of the organization committee yesterday secretary Leon Todd presented a report showing that 600 shares of the 1000 shares of stock have been subscribed for. This…