Tag: William D Sayrs

  • Frank B. Hanna

    Frank B. Hanna

    Frank B. Hanna was born in New Jersey in 1894. He married Rachel Thomason around 1914, and they had a daughter, Elizabeth, the following year. By January 1920, the Hannas were residing at 5315 Locust Street in Philadelphia. At the age of 25, Frank had already become Chief Clerk at one of the shipyards in…

  • City Farm Gardens

    This post is an excerpt from the Book History of Camden County in the Great War, published in 1917-1918 Another weapon to defeat the enemy was the establishment of City Farm Gardens in the country. They were urged by the Government and not only provided food for city residents, but abolished unsightly vacant lots. Mayor…

  • Thomas Yorke Smith

    Thomas Yorke Smith

    Thomas. Yorke Smith, more commonly known as T. Yorke Smith, born around 1873 in New Jersey, entered matrimony with Harriet A. Smith at the age of 21. Around the turn of the century, T. Yorke Smith, initially a banker, formed a business alliance with David Baird Sr. In 1902, at the dawn of Parkside’s development,…

  • Joseph “Polack Joe” Deven

    “Polack Joe” Deven, born Joseph Deven to Italian immigrant parents Pietro and Angelina Davino, was a notable figure in Camden, New Jersey’s early 20th-century history. His life story is marked by a series of intriguing and often controversial events. Joseph Deven was born on February 19, 1893, in Pennsylvania. The 1900 Census recorded the Davino…

  • David S. Rhone

    David S. Rhone

    Dr. David Samuel Rhone was born in Pennsylvania on March 5, 1878. Around 1920, he and his wife Florence relocated to Camden, NJ, where he established a medical practice and a pharmacy known as the Crescent Drug Company, situated at 1202 Haddon Avenue. As a member of the Republican Party, Dr. Rhone achieved electoral success…

  • Arthur L. Stone

    Arthur L. Stone

    Dr. Arthur L. Stone held the position of City Health Director in Camden from 1923 until his passing in 1945. During his tenure, he served under various mayors, including Victor King, Winfield Scott Price, Roy R. Stewart, Frederick von Nieda, and George Brunner. Dr. Stone was a strong advocate for an immunization program that played…

  • Centennial Mirror 1828-1928

    Centennial Mirror 1828-1928

    Centennial Mirror of the City of Camden, NJ Published in the interest of a growing city, nineteen twenty-eight. THE City Commissioners of Camden extend their Greetings to all citizens of the City, State and Nation who may visualize the Camden of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, through this volume which is dedicated to the Cause of…

  • Can’t Go Wrong on Camden

    Can’t Go Wrong on Camden

    By Commissioner William D. Sayrs, Jr., Director Of Public Works Streets and domestic water supply and sewage systems. Three basic elements in the existence of a modern city. When a community government exerts its utmost powers to provide the highest standards in water, sewage disposal and improved streets, the fundamental steps toward health and progress…

  • Henry Magin Laid to Rest by War Veteran Buddies

    Henry Magin Laid to Rest by War Veteran Buddies

    Camden Courier-Post – August 26, 1941 Trucks of Flowers in Funeral Cortege Funeral services for City Commissioner Henry Magin were held today with his colleagues in official and veterans circles participating. Services were conducted in city commission chambers on the second floor of city hall, in charge of Rev. Dr. W.W. Ridgeway, rector of St.…

  • Baird, Stokes Lash Richards Ambitions And ‘Horse Trading’

    Baird, Stokes Lash Richards Ambitions And ‘Horse Trading’

    Camden Courier-Post – June 30, 1933 Dinner to Reesman and Mrs. Verga Packs Whitman Local Delegates Get High Praise Ex-Governor Denounces Roosevelt Program, Hits Inflation By Ransloe Boone Bitter criticism of the “horse trading” of the Legislature and the gubernatorial aspirations of Senate President Emerson L.Richards, were coupled with appeals for party loyalty and praise…

  • Salvation Army Names Lippincott

    Camden Courier-Post – June 24, 1933 Camden Unit Makes Real Estate Broker Chairman of Advisory Boards Earl R. Lippincott, real estate broker, has been named chairman of the advisory board of the Camden unit of the Salvation Army, succeeding William D. Sayrs. Elections of officers for the group were held yesterday following a luncheon meeting…

  • Campaign Planned by Salvation Army

    Campaign Planned by Salvation Army

    Camden Courier-Post – June 6, 1933 Executives of Organization Discuss Budget for Camden and Propose Drives Plans for a campaign to raise funds to cover the budget of the Salvation Army Corps here were discussed yesterday at a meeting of members of the executive board at Hotel Walt Whitman. William D. Sayrs, chairman of the…

  • Report by Hanna Reveals $1,286,377 Saving on Streets

    Camden Courier-Post – February 6, 1933 Bonds, New Incinerator and Repairs Prevent Further Economy 4-YEAR PERIOD COVERED By LOUIS J. GALE Total expenditures tumbled $1,286,737 in the four years since City Commissioner Frank B. Hanna took charge of the department of streets and public improvements. The expenses would have dropped $1,791,086.89 but for bonds totaling…

  • Gangster Shot During Melee In Sixth Ward

    Gangster Shot During Melee In Sixth Ward

    Camden Courier-Post – January 14, 1928 Joseph Deven Held On Murder Charge After Death Boxer’s Brother; ‘Mose’ Flannery and 4 others Held as Witnesses; Was Craps Game Says County Police Holdup Attempted City Cops Declare Victim of a shot fired in a melee, the exact cause of which remain undetermined, Joseph Cimini, 31 years old,…

  • Kausel Is Given $4000 Job Over Hot Protest by Rebel in G.O.P.

    Camden Courier-Post – January 3, 1928 Not Fitted for Job and 20 of You Admitted it Declares Van Meter Collingswood Man’s Insurgency Punished Vocational School Incident is Recalled as Democrats Join in Battle Joseph H. Van Meter, insurgent Republican freeholder from Collingswood, today declared that David Baird Jr., Republican leader, had admitted that Theodore Kausel…