May 7, 2012
By Phil Cohen
Long vacant and the seen of many fires over the years, the abandoned row-houses comprising 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 Howell Street were scheduled for demolition in March of 2012. Fires were set in these vacant building twice in March, and on the night of April 9, two fires were set, one after the other, in 2014 and 2016 Howell Street.
Round 1
I was home in Pennsauken when a call came over the radio concerning a dwelling fire at North 21st and High Street. It took me about 15 minutes to arrive on scene, and when I did, I found that once again, the Camden Fire Department was operating in the 2000 block of Howell Street. My first photograph was taken at 9:42 PM. Things had pretty much been wrapped up, and by 10:04 PM Engine 9 and Ladder 3 had returned to their quarters, about eight blocks away, at North 27th & Federal Streets.
Round 2
On the way home I stopped off to shoot the breeze a bit, and was talking to Firefighter Raul Aviles when once again, tones were heard, the dispatcher sending Engine 9 and Ladder 3 right back in the same direction. I rode to this job with Engine 9. Upon arrival at 10:16 PM smoke could be seen coming from the second floor of 2014 Howell Street. Someone had used gasoline to ignite a trash fire on the second floor. The companies operated for over 45 minutes, quickly extinguishing the fire and then thoroughly wetting down the rubbish-strewn second floor of the building.
In addition to a few photos below, you can find a video on Youtube.
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