The year was 1927 and the future had hardly ever looked brighter for the City of Camden. Times were prosperous, business and industry were booming, and the city was full of recently constructed public buildings, civic improvements, schools, the new Delaware River bridge and its new highway to the suburbs. The stock market crash of 1929 and the Depression that followed were in the unimagined future.
It was in these times that Camden prepare for its 100th anniversary, and in this spirit of optimism that the city fathers under the direction of Mayor Winfield S. Price commissioned the booklet whose text you will find below.
Read more about the first 100 years of Camden and more articles from the Centennial Mirror
Estimated Number of Residents is 140,000, an Increase Rate of Twenty Per Cent Over 1920 Figures.
INTERESTING and important features are disclosed in an analysis of population for the City of Camden.
Following are some of the outstanding facts together with comparative figures from other communities 111 New Jersey.
The estimated population for 1928 is 140,000. This represents an increase of 20 per cent over the Federal Census figures of 1920, which were 116,309.
The figure also gives Camden fourth place among the cities of New Jersey, the estimate being 1,196 higher than the estimate for Trenton. In 1920, Trenton’s population was 119,269- nearly 3,000 greater than Camden’s.
Recently, an estimate was issued by the United States Census Bureau, which gave Camden a population of 133,100 and Trenton a figure of 136,700. The census bureau’s figure, however, is based upon the presumption of the normal increase in population during the 1910-1920 decade and fails to take into consideration the unusual growth of Camden during the past eight years.
The new estimate is based on all essential factors of growth since 1920 and is the most authentic possible without an actual census. The survey is based on statistics from local sources, which show the following factors essential to the growth of population:
- Excess of births over deaths in the city since the 1920 census, numbering 11,020.
- Increase of 17 per cent since 1920 in the number of qualified voters in the city.
- Increase of 20 per cent since 1920 in the number of youth of school age.
- Increase of 9 per cent since 1920 in the number of active domestic water services.
- No annexations of territory by the city since the 1920 census.
In 1920 there were 59,212 members of the so-called stronger sex in the city and 57,097 members of the opposite gender. The percentage of population increase in the past eight years is about the same for the two sexes.

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