Camden Courier-Post – June 14, 1933
The Alumni Associations of the Camden Catholic High School and the Moorestown High School are completing plans for their annual June dances to be held this weekend.
The Catholic High School Alumni will give a reception to members of this year’s graduating class preceding the dance which is to be held on Friday evening in the main ballroom of the Hotel Walt Whitman.
Dick Geist and his orchestra will play for dancing. The committee in charge of the affair includes Miss Dorothy Hope, Miss Mary McGinley and William O’Keefe, Camden; Thomas Madden, Collingswood; James McDade, Gloucester, and Joseph Barry, National Park.
Members of this year’s graduating class of the Moorestown High School are to be guests of honor at the Moorestown dance also, to be held at the Moorestown Community House on Saturday evening.
Lyndel Flammer is chairman of the dance committee, composed of Grace Wurst, Frederick Haas, William Herman, Moorestown; Josephine Myers, Samuel Waldron, Maple Shade; Doris Henion, Donald Flemmer, William Cromley, Merchantville, and Betty Hance, Riverton. Malcolm MacGeorge, Moorestown will arrange the decorations.
Proceeds from the affair will benefit the Alumni Endowment Fund, established in 1916. Dal Regis’ orchestra will furnish the music.
Officers of the alumni newly elect d are Lyndel Flammer, president; David Faxon, vice president; Florence Cunningham, secretary; Henry Webster, treasurer, and Gordon Page, chairman of the alumni board.
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