A Saloonkeeper’s Troubles

Unknown publication, circa 1892

Held on Four Criminal Charges.

A Row in John Jones’ Saloon Results in His Arrest — Held for Court.

John H. Jones, a saloonkeeper at Front and Birch streets, is in serious trouble, there being no less than four legal charges made against him before Justice Schmitz, who held him in $1,100 bail.

Two of the charges were made by Wm. Connor — those of assault and battery and for the keeping of a disorderly house. Joseph Reed also made a charge against Jones of assault and battery, and George and Charles Peterson made complaint against him for selling liquor on Sunday.

It is said the suits are the outcome of a row that occurred in Jones’ saloon. Matters became so hot inside the place that the combatants adjourned to the sidewalk, where, it is said, the quarreling and fighting continued with renewed violence. Wm. Conners was badly battered up, and others in the fracas went home with black eyes. It is said that Jones does not deny the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. Other complaints will be made.


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