A Weeping Prisoner

Philadelphia Inquirer – January 8, 1895

A Self-Confessed Thief Was Aided by a Little Child.

Weeping bitterly and hiding her face with her tear-soaked handkerchief, Agnes Monaghan, the young woman who was arrested at John Wanamaker’s store last Wednesday for shoplifting, was arraigned at the Central Police Court yesterday afternoon. Since her arrest she has made a confession which resulted in recovering stolen goods worth about $100. The girl’s home is at Equinox, Pa., but for the past month she has been stopping with a married sister at No. 534 Rex street, Camden.

At the time of her arrest by Detective Tyndale for the larceny of dress patterns she was accompanied by her 6-year-old niece, Genevieve Crosby, who was discharged from custody. The woman admitted that she had posted the child to watch while she stole. All the goods alleged to have been stolen by the defendant were produced at yesterday’s hearing. Detective Tyndale identified part of them as those which had been taken from his employer’s store. Carl A. Paccoe, of Gimbel Brothers, claimed the remainder of the goods, all of which had been found in the defendant’s trunk at her sister’s home. The girl was committed to prison in default of $500 bail to await trial.


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