Bakery Introduces New Type of Bread

Camden Courier-Post – October 28, 1936

No Fat or Lard Used In Italian Loaf By Camden Firm

A new loaf of Italian style bread has been introduced on the market by the Seven Brothers Baking Co, 322 Pine street. The new loaf, known as “Tasty-Crust,” differs in shape from the old style round loaf, is sliced ready for use and wrapped in oiled paper with open cellophane window for customer inspection.

Tasty-Crust, according to Vincent Canzanese, head of the firm, is made from selected wheat high in protein content and contains vitamin “D” which is beneficial in building strong bones and red blood cells, according to Canzanise.

“No fat or lard ls used in the baking, which is done by the slow process in hearthen ovens to caramelize the natural sugar of the flour,” said Cansanese.” It avoids overweight and, is good for the muscles and teeth. To build gums and teeth strong, it is necessarry for them to have the exercise afforded by chewing. Children like the ‘crunchy’ crust and its delicious flavor.

“Experienced bakers give minute attention to the mixing process which produces a fine texture that is ideal for toasting.

Tasty-Crust bread is delivered direct to homes every day by a fleet of 18 trucks that cover a large portion of South Jersey.

The bakery was originally opened here in 1910 by an uncle of the present management. During his years in the baking business he had carefully instructed his nephews in the art he had mastered. In 1916, the seven Canzanese brothers took over the business and chose Vincent as manager. Year after year they have improved their establishment and enlarged their scope. They recently installed complete new baking equipment of the type shonwn for the first time at the bakers convention this year in Atlantic City. In addition to Tasty-Crust, the bakery supplies several other types of breads, buns, rolls.