Camden Courier Post – August 10, 1933
Camden Concern Expected to Be Bought by Ice Cream Company
Revocation of Permit Hearing Will Start Here August 21
Sale of the Camden County Cereal Beverage Company by its present owners is scheduled before August 21, the date of its revocation of permit hearing on charges of operating under “dummy officers.”
That was the word yesterday that came out of the offices of the Industrial Alcohol Bureau, in Philadelphia, as the government went ahead with the preparation of its case against the local concern.
The local brewery was among five in New Jersey cited by the government as being owned and operated by racketeers, who hid beneath the names of dummy officers.
The announcement of the proposed sale came after Edward C. Dougherty, U. S, attorney preparing the license revocation case, had named seven persons, who, among others, are the alleged true owners of the brewery,
Mickey’s Brother Named
In the list were Charles A. Bodine, of Haddonfield, long associated in name with matters concerning beer; Max Hassel, slain gang lord and reputed owner of a string of breweries; Edgar “Blondy” Wallace, reputed ex-beer lord now serving a year in a federal penitentiary for non-payment of income taxes, and John Cusick, also known as John Duffy, brother of the murdered Mickey Duffy. John is alleged by the government to have taken over brother “Mike’s bit,” following his slaying in an Atlantic City hotel.
Also named were Henry “Hank” Collins, close associate of Duffy in the old days; William Neely, an ex-Duffy satellite, and Lou <unreadable>, associate of Hassel.
The proposed sale was made known to the government by Walter S. Keown attorney for the brewery, it yesterday. According to the Philadelphia office, Keown successfully had postponed the hearing to allow the owners time to complete negotiations.
The concern attempting to purchase the brewery is a North Jersey cereal manufacturing company,” according to the report.
Keown and Norman J. Morrison, U. S. Attorney General, met in Philadelphia concerning the beer operation hearing. Keown is said to have sought Morrison’s advice as to what action the brewery could take to satisfy the government
Hearing Aug. 21
The hearing will be held begin Aug. 21 in the Camden post office building. While no “hearer” has been chosen yet, Norman J. Morrison, special assistant U. S. attorney general, will act as government prosecutor.
The citation charges that the brewery concealed its true ownership behind “dummy officers.” These men, who applied for the license, were Frank R. Allison, of Oaklyn, as president, and Frank C. <unreadable> who gave an address at North Broad street, Philadelphia, secretary-treasurer.
Long reported to have been associated with the Camden brewery before the advent of 3.2 percent beer were the incorporators of the <unreadable> Realty Company, which owns property in which the brewery stands.
Police and federal agents frequently have contended that both Collins and Neely were associated with Bodine and Duffy in the beer business
A number of beer trucks seized by federal agents were Neely’s. Dougherty is head attorney in the Philadelphia. Office of the Industrial Alcohol Bureau and also prepared the citation on which the Harrison brewery permit was ordered revoked.
Morrison is the attorney who acted as prosecutor against the Harrison brewery.
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