Camden Courier-Post – February 15, 1938
Pay Restorations, New Employees Held Cause of Advance in Appropriations
Camden City’s school budget for the 1938-1939 fiscal school year, showing an increase of $135,225, was adopted by the Board of Education last night.
Commissioner Mary W. Kobus, board president, explained the budget increase is almost entirely due to the restoration one-half of the existing 10 percent salary cuts and also to the addition of 20 new teachers and two new janitors.
The president added that 15 of the new teachers are assigned to the recently enlarged Davis School, three to the two high schools and two to junior schools.
No indication was given of how much the increased amount will affect the tax rate.
Meeting Scheduled Today
Mrs. Kobus said she with other board members did everything possible to prevent an increase and pointed out that the only unusual increase, other than teachers’ salaries was for supplies and materials.
The matter of a tax rate will be decided after a joint meeting today of the board members with the members of the board of school estimates, Mrs. Kobus said.
In making up the budget the board members pared several appropriations in an effort to apportion $43,000 as a sponsor’s share to obtain a PWA grant of $232,000 for additions, alterations and improvements to several schools.
The appropriation for teachers is $1,487,061, compared to $1,388,745 for the last fiscal year, an increase of $98,316.
For other salaries, including executive, office, clerical and janitors $262,579 was appropriated. The total for the previous year was |236,386, an increase of $27,868.
The amount for supplies, materials and other items is $226,910, an increase of $9160 over the previous year when the total was $217,850.
State Funds Awaited
The city’s apportionment of revenue to be appropriated is $1,692,225. In estimated sources of revenue, $100,000 is expected to come from an additional state appropriation. Additional state funds include, appropriation, $169,463; manual training, $5000; crippled children, $1500; evening schools, $500.
Other anticipated revenue items include tuition fees, $1000; teachers absence refunds, $3000; miscellaneous, $3000.
Secretary Albert Austermuhl stated additional funds may be anticipated from enrollment of students from schools outside the city. He also stated the state has not paid the city its share for the education of crippled children. The amount in arrears for two past years is $3000, he said.
For instructions in elementary, high, junior high schools and manual training the amount is fixed at $1,431,117.
The sum of $135,884 is set up for supervisory instruction, with $41,615 for administration.
Costs for operation of elementary schools is placed at $130,067. The cost for the operation of the high schools is $47,605 with $37,750 appropriated for junior high schools.
Other budget items include coordinated activities, $40,956; property maintenance cost, $74,455; fixed charges, $13,760; auxiliary agencies, $8900; special schools, $15,116.
Salary Total Increased
Total salaries for teachers in elementary, kindergarten, special classes and in correction classes total, $874,955. For high school teachers the amount is $259,467. Junior school teachers salaries total $156,169.
The increases for teachers are: elementary and other classes, $53,535; high schools, $19,146; junior schools, $10,279. Manual training costs increased $5066.
Cost for elementary school janitor salaries is set at $81,217, an increase of $11,428. Most of the increase is due to additional janitorial service required for the Davis school annex.
The sum of $33,655 is appropriated for high school janitors, an increase of $1815. The amount for junior high school janitors is $27,000, an increase of $1483.
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