City Tax Deadline May Be Extended

Camden Courier-Post – June 1, 1933

Because of the unprecedented rush to pay first-half taxes for 1933, Commissioner Harold W. Bennett, director of revenue and finance, may extend the deadline from 9 p. m. tonight to 9 p. m. June 7 without penalty.

The director, who has asked for more help, said it was the greatest tax rush in the history of Camden. The line of taxpayers yesterday extended past the public health offices, almost a full city block. A large volume of receipts also is coming in by mail, he said.

“The commissioner said he was unable to issue figures showing total receipts to date, but said about $119,000 was paid in Saturday, half of which was in scrip.

Five cashiers’ windows are open.

Three always have been sufficient to accommodate last-minute, payments in previous years.

Bennett said he attributed the unprecedented rush to the fact that bills were late in being sent out, that persons wish to cash in on scrip and because citizens have been impressed by the "educational campaign" conducted by the city, impressing the importance of prompt tax payments.

A. Benjamin Sparks, former receiver of taxes; Otto E. Braun, formerly employed in the tax office, but now with the emergency relief, and men from the controller’s and assessor’s offices have been pressed into service. Bennett has asked for more from other department heads.


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