Donges Assigned to Head Court Here

Camden Courier-Post – February 5, 1938

Legal Profession Pleased at Designation to Preside Over Lloyd’s District

Supreme Court Justice Ralph W. E. Donges yesterday was assigned to preside over the Camden-Gloucester county Second judicial district of the Supreme Court.

A copy of the order of assignment was received by County Clerk Leslie H. Ewing. Justice Donges will take over the circuit presided, over for many years by Justice Frank T. Lloyd who retired on pension last month.

Word of Justice Donges assignment to his “home” district elicited expressions of pleasure from many members of the legal profession in Camden county.

Heretofore Justice Donges has been serving the First judicial district, embracing Cape May, Cumber land, Salem and Atlantic counties. His new assignment was made by a vote of the membership of the state Supreme Court, Chief Justice Thomas J. Brogan, signed the assignment order.

“Pleasure to Come Back”

“It is a real pleasure to come back to my home county,” Justice Donges said. “I was very happy in my first assignment, but it is a great satisfaction to be among my friends in Camden and Gloucester counties:”

Louis B. Duc, president of the Camden county Bar Association, said he felt he spoke for every member of the county bar when, he said the assignment of Justice Donges was a most natural choice.

“For several decades only sons of Camden of Camden County have had the assignment to the Second judicial district,” he said. “Our regret at losing Justice Lloyd is balanced by our joy of receiving Justice Donges.

“The bar of Camden County tenders him our loyalty and appropriate greetings on his return home.”

Outstanding Citizen

Another who expressed keen pleasure over the assignment was Samuel T. French, a veteran member of the local bar.

“Justice Lloyd served the Supreme Court and the citizens of New Jersey faithfully and with glory to him self. Now Justice Donges takes up where he left off. It was to be expected that Justice Donges should be assigned to Camden County.

“He is an outstanding citizen and an eminent jurist who has given dignity to his democracy is unchallenged.”

Speaking as a junior member of the bar Bartholomew A. Sheehan joined in a person tribute:

“As one of the younger members of the bar naturally am pleased over his assignment to Camden. Justice Donges has distinguished himself as one of New Jersey’s ablest and most eminent jurists and a judge who is keenly interested in the problems of the young law practitioners.

Burling Pleased

“Sate Senator Albert E. Burling expressed his pleasure by declaring he had the honor as senator from Camden County to present Justice Donges’ reappointment to the State Senate for confirmation.

”I have long admired Justice Donges for his ability, his industry and integrity as an associate Justice of the State Supreme Court,” Burling said.

“Many members of the bar regretted his elevation to the state’s highest court because he was a judge of the Circuit Court. His elevation was richly deserved.

“With other members of the Camden county bar I wish, to join in extending a gracious welcome to Justice Donges on his return to his home county.”

Orlando Lauds Donges

Prosecutor Samuel P. Orlando was another who paid tribute to Donges. He said:

“I am highly pleased, to say the least. Justice Donges has served his state faithfully in his high judicial position. He is esteemed by all who know him and he commands the respect of all good citizens.

“I propose as county prosecutor to give Justice Donges the same whole hearted co-operation as given to his predecessor, Justice Frank T. Lloyd.

Justice Donges was lauded by County Solicitor Walter S. Keown as one of the state’s outstanding jurists.

“I regret that Justice Lloyd decided to retire after his long and honored· career on the bench,” Keown said. “However it is with mingled happiness and satisfaction that members of the local bar welcome Justice Donges to his own home district.”

The retirement of Justice Lloyd leaves eighth justices for the nine circuits. Circuit Court Judge Newton H. Porter, of Essex County, has been named by Governor Moore to succeed Justice Lloyd. The nomination is before the Senate for confirmation.