Hartmann Defended

Camden Courier-Post – February 21, 1936

To the Editor:

Sir — Will you please print the following article in your Mail Bag. Now, my fellow citizens, where IS your howling and crying over the moneys spent by the city not being used for anything productive? Folks like to talk about others, but never a good word for those who deserve it. Mr. Hartmann has treated WPA workers like men, and they responded like men. I am one of them. I worked all day February 13 in the snow and storm and have not heard any grumbling from any of my buddies. Did the public ever stop crying the blues long enough to realize that I got $76 per month from relief? Of course I have a family and my wife never was satisfied, like lots of others, to take all and give nothing. Now I get $60 a month and we (my family) are happy again. Why? Because I can at least make an effort to earn what I get. It’s mine and I keep my kids dressed warmly and they go to the movies every Saturday afternoon. I feel 100 percent better than living on E.R.A. I have two very close friends on E.R.A. who laugh at me for working on W.P.A., but when they need a few pennies they look me up. Due to Mr. Hartmann we were kept on our jobs instead of being laid off. His efforts put us on the snowy streets. I’ve lived in this town for 38 years, my mother 57 years and my dad 68 years and all of us say the same thing. God give us some more Hartmanns and Kobuses instead of David’s regime. That’s all, folks, your street

Improvements to date have cost you taxpayers practically nothing. Just a word to W.P.A. workers: Layoff of Kelly, he is a good man when you understand him.

213 Penn Street


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