Camden Courier-Post – February 19, 1936
Crisis in Relief Financing Due to Legislature He Tells Hartmann
Governor Hoffman is opposed to the return to food orders for New Jersey relief clients, he revealed yesterday in a telegram to Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr.
The governor’s wire was in answer to the action of the city commission adopting a resolution Monday opposing the return of relief clients to the system of food orders instead of cash payments. Governor Hoffman charged the plan of sending relief clients back to the food orders was promulgated so that New Jersey can supply aid through credit with grocers.
A crisis of relief financing is at hand in the state, Governor Hoffman declared through failure of the Legislature to provide funds to meet the state’s relief needs.
Commissioner Hartmann presented the telegram to the other members of the commission. Hoffman’s telegram follows:
“Have your telegram. I, too, am opposed to food orders rather than cash payments to relief clients. Food orders are being resorted to so that the state can operate for a month or two upon credit by owing grocers, etc. This is necessitated by failure of Legislature to provide funds to .adequately care for relief needs in the state. There is a crisis in relief financing in New Jersey largely caused by certain members of the Legislature who talk economy and relief but who have not voted for anything that has produced a single dollar with which to feed our needy. Up to this time the Legislature has left sole responsibility for financing relief in the hands of the governor but now both funds and legislation are inadequate to meet the situation.”
Commissioner Hartmann said he introduced his resolution by request of the Workers’ Alliance of Camden County. He said it is his opinion that the distribution of food orders is more costly than cash payments and also that the old system is inefficient.
The resolution adopted unanimously, follows:
“Be it resolved that the Camden City Commission go on record as opposing the return of relief clients to the old system of food orders instead of cash payments as in the past.
“Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the governor of New Jersey, the senator from Camden county and the three Camden county assemblymen so that the same would be in their hands before Monday night, February 17.”
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