Lindsay Stops Here on Hop to Boston

Camden Courier-Post – June 22, 1933

British Envoy Denies Any Plan to Confer with F. R. on Coast

Sir Ronald Lindsay, British ambassador to the United States, denied while in Camden yesterday afternoon that he had any plan to confer with President Roosevelt at some point along the New England coast.

Sir Ronald, flying from Washington to Boston, talked to reporters while his plan, halted at Central Airport. It had been reported that he was making the trip to meet the President on the latter’s vacation cruise and discuss the progress of the world economic conference at London, “Nothing of the sort,” said the giant Britisher. “Simply on a little jaunt to Boston to visit friends for two or three days. I’ve no intention of seeing President Roosevelt.”

The ambassador declined to answer any questions of state. “I’ve made it a policy in Washington to answer no questions of that nature,” he said. “From time to time I issue press statements but that’s all. I get along very well with the gentlemen of the press under that arrangement.”

Sir Ronald was perfectly willing to talk about the weather, flying and other unimportant subjects. He flies, he said, whenever he can and uses trains as seldom as possible. He thinks Washington’s weather “the worst in the world.” He likes traveling alone, as he was yesterday, with out the company of secretaries and other attaches of the embassy.

Although an Englishman, Sir Ronald indicated a frugality usually attributed to the Scotch when he was about to depart. Photographers took his picture when he alighted from the plane and were waiting to take another as he walked toward it to embark.

“No, no,” he said; raising his hand and half waving them away,

“Why not?” asked one of the picture takers.

“You got me once,” he replied with a twinkle, “You shouldn’t waste an other plate.” But he allowed a “close-up” to be taken anyway before he ducked his huge six-foot, four inch form into the plane and flew away.


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