Man About Town

Camden Courier-Post – October 20, 1939

City Commissioner E. George Aaron observed his 37th birthday anniversary today. Unknown to George, this amateur historian again dug into the archives and we found that Aaron is the youngest man ever elected as a city commissioner in Our Town. We might also say that for a gentleman of such tender age E. George Aaron, citizen, lawyer, and city commissioner has made good use of his maturing years. We snooped into his record.

Consistency is one of his many assets. The guy was born in Mizpah, Atlantic county. When he joined the Masons, Aaron signed up with Mizpah lodge. Admitted to the bar in 1926 Attorney Aaron didn’t have his shingle out a week when he got his first case–defending a Bridgeton man who was indicted for murder. The young attorney had the indictment not prossed.

On this natal day anniversary Commissioner Aaron will look back reflectively to the days when as boy he milked the cows and worked so on his father’s farm. Unable to enlist in the Army during the World War when he was a stripling of 15 years he went to Springfield, Mass., where he helped to make rifles for the U.S. Army. Three of his brothers fought overseas.

In turn he worked as an ambulance driver, Insurance salesman and theatre manager. Aaron studied law at nights, at Temple Law School.

Proud of the religious faith of his forefathers, Commissioner Aaron is president of Beth El Synagogue and he usually is found heading up campaigns to help men, women and children of all creeds and faiths. His newest jobs are as chairman of the local assistance board and the Camden County Chapter of the Association for Infantile Paralysis, Inc.

Happy birthday, Commissioner Aaron!


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