Camden Courier-Post – June 24, 1933
‘Aeroplaning’ Enables Passenger to Do Stunts With One Foot on Ground
The newest thrill in South Jersey is aero-planing!
Hundreds are learning for the first time on the field opposite Central Airport just what it feels like to be an aviator – without leaving the ground.
That’s what the aeroplane does – provide all the thrills of stunt flying at 35 cents a flight.
The aeroplane can be operated in any direction – it goes through all the stunts known to aviation – looping the loop, tailspinning, etc. It is operated by the person who rides it, for it only holds one person.
The aeroplane was developed for the primary training of students wishing to take up aerial acrobatics- it gives anyone the “feel” of an airplane much quicker than any ship itself. It teaches one to hold a ship in level flight and how to operate the controls. After having “flown” the aeroplane a student knows what to expect when he actually goes into the air alone for the first time.
Expert aviators use the aeroplane as the most valuable aid in learning to fly upside-down.
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