Camden Courier-Post – October 31, 1931
The courthouse plaza was the scene of considerable excitement yesterday afternoon when Democrats and Republicans clashed in an impromptu open forum over the merits of David Baird and A. Harry Moore, gubernatorial candidates.
An armistice was agreed upon after leaders from both factions took the stump and attempted to drown each other out by shouting the qualifications of their candidates.
A crowd of nearly 1000 persons cheered and booed until the Republicans consented to allow the Democrats to speak without interference.
Just previous to this, the two political parties had alternated in ten-minute speeches when the arguments of one forced the other to jump on the same platform and answer his opponent.
Gene Mariano, Camden Democratic orator, challenged that vice existed in Camden. He defied a Republican speaker to debate with him on the subject. Assemblyman F. Stanley Bleakley stepped from the crowd. He started to address the crowd attacking Moore.
A loud speaker wagon with six megaphones was backed up to the curb and martial music stopped the proceedings. It was later resumed with the Democrats in control.
The speakers included Jack Reynolds, Democrat, of Jersey City; Aaron Gordon, Republican of Jersey City; William E. Sewell, superintendent of elections, and Clifford Jordan, 122 Wade Street, both of Jersey City.
Jordan told his experiences with labor and election conditions in that city.
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