Camden Courier-Post – June 9, 1933
While scores of young lovers “watched the planes come in” at Lewis B. Simon’s “petters paradise” in Delaware Township without molestation from police last night, it was a different story in Pennsauken Township.
Recorder George E. Yost fined Walter Bush, 34, of 539 Penn Street, $5 and costs for “petting” near the airport. Arthur E. Pine, 27, of 1376 Chesapeake road, owner of the car in which Bush and his companion were parked, received a suspended sentence. Joseph M. Mealey, 22, of 1421 North Sixth Street, forfeited $10 security when he failed to appear for a hearing on a “petting” charge. All were arrested by Inspector Thomas Thorpe, of Pennsauken police.
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