Camden Courier-Post – February 19, 1936
Two Camden Men Enter Race for Re-Election at Jersey City
Carl W. Hall, president, and William I. Baker, guard, will seek re-election at the 14th annual convention of the New Jersey State Federation of Post Office Clerks, Saturday, at the Plaza Hotel, Journal Square, Jersey City. Both are Camden residents.
William Temple, president of the Camden Local, will head a party of Camden delegates composed of Charles Bennett, Raymond Reber, Michael Welsh, Joseph Minnick, Robert Garrutti, Norman Schembs, John Parker, Nathan Evantash, Elmer Lacy, Percy Morgan, David Markowitz, William Kelly, John Selby and James Ray. Legislation to be discussed at the convention includes widow’s annuities, 30 years optional retirement, vacation and sick leave or substitutes and general postal conditions. Notables invited to the banquet, which will follow the business meeting, are Postmaster General James A. Farley, United States Senators W. Warren Barbour and A. Harry Moore, Congressmen James M. Mead, chairman of the House Post Office Committee; Mary T. Norton, Fred L Hartley and Edward J. Hart, Gilbert E. Hyatt, legislative representative of the national federation; Nathan I. Goldstein, vice president of the national federation, and Rev. Bowlby of the Lord’s Day Alliance.
Mrs. Eleanor Quinn, state organizer of the auxiliary, will direct a meeting of the auxiliary in conjunction with the convention.
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