Camden Courier-Post – December 12, 1949
Edward Howe, president of the North Camden Civic Association announced today that a protest meeting against the proposal of the Delaware River Joint Commission to construct an underpass on North Sixth street, would be held Dec. 19 at 531 Penn street.
Howe said he had invited Governor Driscoll, State Senator Wallace, Mayor Brunner, Richardson Dilworth, of Philadelphia, and county freeholders to attend the meeting.
Howe said Bryan McKernan, counsel for the association, would present an appeal by the owners of 41 North Camden properties which will be torn down if the plan is carried out. He said the appeal would be made to New Jersey state courts if the commission goes along with their plan to construct the underpass.
Howe also revealed that owners of homes on Rex place which would have to be torn down, have sent a petition to Governor Driscoll asking him to intercede in blocking the commission’s plans.
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