Rotary Club Told of Industrial Drive

Camden Courier-Post – January 11, 1928

C. of C. Secretary Outlines Plan to Make Comprehensive Survey

An industrial campaign for the purpose of inducing new business industries to locate in Camden will be part of the program of the Chamber of Commerce for this year, Loyal D. Odhner, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, told members of the Rotary Club at a luncheon today in the Hotel Walt Whitman.

Odhner’s outline of the chamber’s program, which included an industrial survey for the purpose of determining possibilities for new manufacturers and improving present business facilities, was approved by Francis B. Wallen, new president of the Chamber of Commerce, who attended the luncheon.

“During these last five tears, Camden has had little or no industrial growth. Manufacturers have either chosen other localities in preference to us or else they have not even thought of us. I prefer to believe the latter is the case. Our first step, them is to make our city more appealing to the industrial prospect. This cam be accomplished by an industrial campaign with the cooperation of all business forces.

“I am confident that before this years ends you will see the resources of this community mobilized into one of the greatest campaigns for new industries that has ever been waged in America.

“In conducting this campaign,” said Odhner, “we must not lose sight of the fact that port facilities will be a point of leading interest to the prospective manufacturer. The patronage which our present pier is receiving is only a small indication of the value to our city of adequate port facilities. The port improvement program must proceed with all haste.

Urged to Aid Movement

Odhner urged members of the Rotary Club to get behind a movement to organize a force to meet the financial problems that will accompany the advent of new industries.

“With our survey completed,” Odhner continued “our next step will be to determine the type of industries that can locate in Camden most profitably to themselves and to the community.

“Another important step will be to interest the people of our own city so They will report to us any new firms contemplating a change of location. Most cities which have conducted effective industrial expansion have secured their best leads from their own people.

“Still another step is well advised selective advertising, confined to those mediums which actually receive the attention of business executives.”

Odhner said that as a preliminary step in the campaign it is the intention of President Wallen to ask all of Camden’s neighboring towns to join with her in this movement.

“Sometime in March,” he said, “it is hoped a meeting of all leaders of surrounding communities will be held for the purpose of forming a Greater Camden Chamber of Commerce.”


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