Camden County Record – September 19, 1985

Reservations are no longer available at St. Joseph’s rectory for today’s visit to greet Jozef Cardinal Glemp at Doylestown, Pa., and attend Mass the Primate of Poland will celebrate at 5:30 p.m. in the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. One bus will leave here at 2:30 p.m. with time to eat some food and attend a reception after the shrine services.

A few bus reservations are still on hand for the diocesan biennial pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on Saturday, Oct. 5. The cost per passenger is $10.00. Please call the rectory, 963-1285.

At the Holy Name Society meeting last week, Fr. Bucia announced to the men that the parish Halloween Party will take place on Sunday, Oct. 27, from 3 to 7 p.m, in the lower hall. Our Gang Orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Tickets will go on sale soon, at the rectory and at the Senior Center.

St. Joseph’s parishioners will participate in this year’s Pulaski Day Parade on Sunday, Oct. 6, in Philadelphia. Like in every year, participants will include delegates of the Polish American Congress, Polish American Citizens’ Club, American Legion Post 74, Polish Army Veterans Post 121 and Auxiliary, Children of the Polish Language and Cultural School, church societies and Union of Polish Women in America besides insurance fraternals and others.

The Senior Center’s first meeting after the summer vacation days have passed will be held Thursday, Sept. 26, at 1 p.m. in the lower parish hall. Guest speaker will be Outreach Worker Evelyn A. Fuller from the Office On Aging. Her subject will be to acquaint those present with the many services the agency is offering to senior citizens. After adjournment a toast will be given to more than 100 members whose birthdays were observed during July and August along with the 34 September-born, including Stella Bartoszek, Walter Bryszewski, Eva Barowsky, Rose Chorzelewski, Alexander Dziatkiewicz, Helen Gardygajlo, Wanda Hamilton, Clara Hubert, Helen Jankowski.

Also Mary Kazmierski, Edward Kozloski, John Kwroicki, Blanche Kulesa, Stella Kenney, Matthew Malesinski, Helen Maronski, Laura Molick Bronislawa Neimczura, Frances Pacosa, Mary Podlaski, Chester Przywara, Frances Rozanski, CeceIia Sacilowski, Alexander Sochacki, Wanda Szczech, Vi Wdzieczkowski, Ted Jalkiewicz, Anna Wiencek, Mary Wisniewski and Helen Zadworny.

Three teams of the Center’s 6-team mixed bowling league won four points without a loss in the season’s opening week. Clean slates are held by Plums, Nectarines and Bananas, while on the 0-4 side are Cherries, Peaches and Apples. Two Peach rollers toppled the most pins in a single game and 3-game series, Stan Dyjak with 179 for one, and Joe Duda 475 for three. On the women’s side, Mary Gore, Plums, had both highs, 162 and 437.

For this season’s kegling, the pin toppers opted for names belonging to fruits: Plums, Nectarines, Bananas, Cherries, Peaches, and Apples. Cherries: Vince Zaleski, Ann Stasiewicz, Joe Schultz and Andy Bretschneider. Nectarines: Josephine Jaworski, Eddie Wdowiarz, Jules Konieczka and Stanley Zglinicki. Bananas: Laura Snitowski, Helen Zglinicki, Frank Vogt and Frank Filipek. Apples: Mary Joyce, Henry Soltys, Dorothy Kuzniasz and Hedy Olesiewicz. Peaches: Helen Zadworny, Al Sochacki, Stan Dyjak and Joe Duda. Plums: Paul Ackerle, Mary Gore, Blanche Kulesa and Edmund Vogt.

The Rosary’ Society’s next gathering will be a communion breakfast on Sunday, Oct. 6, with the induction of new members immediately following the 8 o’clock morning Mass. Members are asked to wear their meals and the inductees are requested to gather in the church vestibule before the services begin.

Though it is still a few weeks away, Ceil Bush, president, wishes to announce the Society’s Christmas social is scheduled for Nov. 10th. “This will be our big one for the year,” she said while urging the membership to start now in making preparations with their gifted talents. She promised more newsy notes as plans are developed.

About the recent Autumn Leaves social, Mrs. Bush reported an enjoyable day of entertainment for those who, attended. Many thanks to Father Bucia for his thoughtfulness with air-conditioning for keeping all comfortable on a hot and sultry day. Actually, many said they hated to leave when the affair was over. Many took home lovely gifts as prize winners. The attendance was wonderful, considering that many are still away vacationing.

All parishioners with area friends and members of the Sacred Heart Society are welcome to enjoy an afternoon social this” Sunday starting at one o’clock in the parish hall. President Helen Maronski is asking each guest to bring one dollar and a modest gift.

A sudden weather change made things outside Post 121 much on the cooler side in the fading days of this summer last Saturday. But not so on the inside of the Polish Army Veterans fun headquarters. It didn’t take too long to warm up to the razzledazzle beat served by Walt Seternu’s Tempos.

There’s always something that can be classed as being among the highlights of every cabaret night social at Post 121 conducted by and for the Polish Army Vets’ entertainment committee. Saturday’s spotlight flashed brilliantly on toe Tempos and then picking up the bash held for Barbara Arnold’s birthday celebration. Also in’ the picture were wedding anniversary celebrants Gene and Marie Biondo and Ted and Francine Sawicki.

Many words of appreciation were directed by the committee to Mary Kuras, who· journeyed here from Toms River to delight everyone with her delicious food preparations, especially the sandwiches which soothed the avid appetites of all guests.

Eddie Matwiejewicz reports he and his party were overwhelmed the next day when they joined the huge throng at the Little Servant Sisters’ Country Fair, held for the benefit of the Immaculate Conception Novitiate in Cherry Hill. This year’s 17th annual fair was bigger and better than ever. Terrific! is the best word Eddie said he can use to describe the event.

Well, the big. day has finally arrived: Saturday’s dance for the benefit of the Polish Language and Cultural School. If as yet you have not purchased a ticket, you may still do so at the door this Saturday. “Piast” will furnish the music for dancing from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. The donation is five dollars per person.

The next cabaret night social at Post 121 will be held Saturday, Oct. 12, in the clubroom with Walt Seternu’s Tempos furnishing the music for dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. And as usual, affairs held in the clubroom are without admission charge for members in good standing and their guests. Therefore, if you happen to be in this area that day with nothing of great importance otherwise to arrest your attention, gather your group of merrymakers and then come here for a few hours and we’ll have a real ball, Betcha you’ll come back again and again.

All reports from behind the scenes at the Polish American Citizens’ Club indicates the Sunday, Sept. 29, indoor picnic will be a real humdinger. President Leonard Drozd and Chief Chef Stas Nowak with all members of the entertainment committee agree everything’s coming along fine, however, like always, there is always a need for more volunteer help for servicing and for donations of various sorts. As an example, Nowak said last year there was plenty of sauerkraut donations, but somehow or other the huge amount fell short. Galabkis (pigs in a blanket), the chief chef he’ll accept all galabkis in any amount with open arms. If anyone cares to cook even a dozen or two, just bring them to the club. The guests will find the proper way to dispose of them with cheerfulness.

Other donations welcome will be home-baked cakes, paczki or bottled spirits, and monetary gifts are always welcome. But most welcome above all will be the presence of all members, their families and area friends to spend together an afternoon to early evening of merriment with pleasure. There will be plenty of good food, good music for dancing as well as good refreshments and all we will need is your good support.

Applicants for the dart league picked up a bit last week but several more are needed to make the coming tourney another competitive success. Don’t wait too long to sign up. Early registration will match up the teams more equally. The weekly Monday matches will start on Sept. 30.

The entire PACC membership extends its warmest congratulations to the championship winning softball team. President Leonard Drozd with all the officers and active members are very proud of the young ball players’ accomplishments in the Camden County Slow-Pitch League. Athletic Director Mark Nowak and John Drozd, coach, and the entire team was cited with praise for a season that showed 19 wins and only three losses in regular season play, and seven wins against two losses in championship playoff games.

Ty Cobb’s hit record broken by Cincinnati’s Pete Rose wasn’t the only historical baseball event last week. At the Vet Stadium in Philadelphia, Jim Doyle made once-in-a-lifetime family history when he caught a hot line drive from the bat of Hubie Brooks, the Expos’ talented shortstop.

Besides yours truly, Woodlynne’s Jim cheering section included friends Betty Rhinebold, Thelma Krueger, Zeke Zachary and John (Bear) Cerasi. Shortly thereafter, the two avid ladv baseball fans left their seats to make a “trade-in.” They returned slurping bright red snowballs.

Laughter broke out among the fans seated in the 314 section. One fan remarked, “It’s a good thing none of the Phillies’ dumb ‘gang of six’ was around or the trade-in partners would have come back with a throw-in to make a giftdeal, a ball player like Ryne Sandberg to the Chicago Cubs or Mark Davis to the San Francisco Giants.”

By the way, Jim Doyle is the T & A Tide Anglers’ secretary and trip arranger. The club leaves for a fish junket next Saturday on the 70-foot Captain Bill out of Barnegat Light Bay. Several openings are available due to previous commitments and the vacancies are on hand first-come, first-served for area friends who’d like to bring back from the seaside a sack of late summer flukes. Jim may be called at 365-4449 for further particulars. If first contact is not made, leave message with phone number for a convenient call back. The fish trip will be the fourth this season for the local. fishing club. Two weeks ago a merged arrangement with Ed Schemanski’s Poles produced 436 summer flukes besides many undersized throwbacks.


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