Camden Courier Post – November 20, 1948
A new boxing triumvirate soon will be formed in Camden, it was learned today.
Those involved are Tony Georgette, Joe Webster and Eddie Prince, all Camden residents.
The merger of the trio into one group has been talked over for the past months among the three boxing figures and soon will become a reality, it is rumored. None could be reached today to confirm the report.
While Webster is a comparative newcomer to Camden boxing with Georgette and Prince, the former manager of of Jersey Joe Walcott brings a wealth of knowledge prestige to the group.
He was manager of record for Walcott for three years till his contract with the Camden heavyweight expired last May. With the expiration of the contract, Walcott decided he would do his own business in the future and severed relations with Webster.
Webster, who never, before he became Walcott’s manager of record, had been identified with the fight game in any capacity other than as a fan, made a host of friends and a number of excellent contacts while he was connected with the Camden heavyweight.
After becoming Identified with Walcott, it didn’t take long for Webster to establish himself as one of the best-liked men in boxing.
Affable and intelligent, the Camden restaurateur met all the big-time promoters and managers and his connections should be invaluable to Georgette and Prince.
Georgette and Prince are the two best known figures in the fight game in Camden. Both have been connected with the game for over 20 years, and like Webster, are well-liked and respected.
Tony and Eddie grew up together in Camden boxing. The former started as a second and Eddie started as a trainer who also had his own gym here when boxing was at its peak.
Both later became managers, with Georgette eventually becoming more prominent. Among those Tony managed during his early days in the game were Mickey Blair, Johnny Lucas, Frankie Blair, Joey Allen, Joey Powell, Joey Straiges and a number of lesser local lights.
He and Joey Allen, who now trains Walcott, were the two who brought out of obscurity Pedro Firpo, Camden featherweight, during World War II.
Georgotte and Allen bought Firpo’s contract for $400 and at one time had the genial little Negro listed among the first 10 lightweights. Incidentally, Firpo retired over a year ago upon the advice of Georgette.
For the past two years, Georgette has centered his attention upon Gene Jones, young Negro heavyweight, who is considered one of the best prospects in the nation.
However, he has several youngsters of different weights in training, but will not start them in the pro game till he feels they have had the proper schooling.
Prince for years has acted as a co-trainer of Georgette’s fighters; they long have been known as the Damon and Pythias of Camden boxing.
Eddie is a modest and retiring individual who has shunned the spotlight, but there isn’t a wiser head In the fight game. He can get the work out of boxers and that’s the secret of success in any sport.
Now that Webster soon will join hands with Georgette and Prince, the trio should become a winning combination.
They are determined to develop South Jersey talent and will comb this area for prospective boxers.
Georgette always has believed that good boxers can be developed in Camden and vicinity provided they received proper training.
And under Prince, boxers can be developed. Eddie is a stern taskmaster and will brook no nonsense from the youngsters he trains.
So, accorded the proper training, there’s no reason why Camden once more shouldn’t be represented by such outstanding boxers as Walcott, Roxie Allen, Mickey Blair, Tip Gorman, Bobby Zimmerman, Lucas, Joey Allen, Frankie Rapp, Frankie Blair and others who made boxing pay here in the 1920’s.
With Webster and Georgette’s experience in arranging matches and Prince’s ability to train fighters, the three should get somewhere in the boxing game.
And no fighter will be hurt under their guidance unless it’s of his own doing.
They will separate the chaff from the wheat and even the wheat will not be hurt.
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