Tag: Boudov Coal and Ice Co
Boudov Coal Company – 1938 & 2019
Boudov Coal Company, Ferry & Mechanic St, South Camden 1938 (plus a bonus advertisement from the same year) vs 2019
Heating Your House with Coal
That center grate was also a good place to sneak a peek after you went to bed to see who was gathering in the dining room. I remember getting up in the morning and coming down to open the damper and shake down the ashes and stand there in your wool robe turning around 360…
Sheriff’s Sale
Camden Courier Post – June 9, 1932 BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI facias, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, will be sold at Public Venue, on FRIDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1932, at 1 o’clock Eastern Standard Time (2 o’clock, Daylight Saving Time) in the…