Sheriff’s Sale

Camden Courier Post – June 9, 1932

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI facias, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, will be sold at Public Venue, on FRIDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1932, at 1 o’clock Eastern Standard Time (2 o’clock, Daylight Saving Time) in the afternoon of said day at the Sheriff’s Office in the Court House, in the City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey.

All the following tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and being in the City and County of Camden and State of New Jersey.

Beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of Wildwood avenue at the distance of one hundred thirty-eight and forty-sex one-hundredths feet northeastwardly from the interaction of the southeasterly line of Empire avenue, said point being in the extended middle line of the party wall between premises Nos. 1514 and 1516 Wildwood avenue and extending thence northeastwardly along the southeasterly line of Wildwood avenue the distance of fifteen and fifty-six one-hundredths feet in front of width to a point, said point being in the extended middle line of the party wall between premises Nos 1516 and 1518 Wildwood avenue; thence southeastwardly between parallel lines of that width or frontage at right angles to Wildwood avenue and passing through he aforesaid lines of party walls the distance of one hundred thirteen feet in length or dept to the northwesterly line of a certain alley.

Together with the free use of said alley in common with others bordering thereon.

Being premises known as No. 1516 Wildwood avenue and the same land and premises which Benjamin Levinson et ux., by deed dated February 1st, 1922, and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Camden County in Book No. 500 of Deeds, Pages 225 &c., granted and conveyed until Israel Boudov and Rose Boudov, his wife, in fee.

The approximate amount of the decree sought to be satisfied by this sale is $9158.86.

Seized as the property of Israel Boudov, et als., taken in execution at the suit of Kaighn Avenue Building and Loan Association of Camden, N.J. and to be sold by E. FRANK PINE, Sheriff

Raymond L. Siris, Sol’r.

Dated June 9, 1932.

Ptrs fee $26.46