Tag: Camden Trust
Admiral Henry B. Wilson Jr.
Henry Braid Wilson Jr. was born on Mount Vernon Street in Camden, NJ, on February 23, 1861, to Henry Braid Wilson Sr. and Mary Ann Wilson. His father was a prominent local figure, serving in various public roles, including as a businessman, City Council member, and Postmaster, and contributing to Camden's Commission of Public Instruction,…
East End Trust Company
The East End Trust Company was first organized on May 26, 1905. Dr. C.F. Hadley was the first president. Other founders and early directors included John Schimpf, Frederick von Nieda, and John Crawford. The East End Trust Company opened for business on July 1, 1920 in temporary quarters at 27th and Cramer Streets. Dr. C.F.…
William Joyce Sewell
William Joyce Sewell was born on December 6, 1835 in Ireland. Orphaned at a young age, he emigrated to the United States in 1851. He was for a time employed in mercantile business in New York City, made several voyages as a sailor on merchant vessels, afterward engaged in business in Chicago, IL. He moved…
Camden Trust
History The Camden Trust traces its origin back to July 1, 1873, when the The Camden Insurance, Safe Deposit & Trust Company, first opened for business, at 224 Federal Street. Over a period of seventy-five years, the bank merged with other local banks such as the Security Trust Company, Central Trust Company, East End Trust…
American National Bank
1213-1219 Broadway (Broadway & Amber Street) Founded in the mid-1920s, The American National Bank built a fine building at 1213 Broadway which is still standing today, although it has been boarded up and vacant for many years. The bank’s President was Elmer Ellsworth Long, who had been a principle in the Munger & Long Department…
A history of banking in Camden, NJ
Camden Banking The Farmers and Mechanics Bank was organized with a capital of $300,000 on March 31, 1855. The banking house at the southeast corner of Front and Market Streets was built at the cost of $18,000. This institution was conducted as a State Bank until September 1, 1864 when it became a National Bank…
Camden Trust Profits Increased in 1st Half
Camden County Record – July 10, 1969 Camden Trust Co. increased first half net earnings to $1,878,000, or $1.92 a share, from $1,536,000, or $1.57, in the same six mouths of 1968, the bank reported last week. Net operating earnings for the period ended June 30 were $1,883,137, or $1.93 a share, against $1,535,226, or…
Camden Trust Co. 75 Years Old; Leads South Jersey in Deposits
Camden Courier-Post – July 1, 1948 The Camden Trust Co. marks its seventy-fifth anniversary today. Opening for business in modest quarters at 227 Federal street, July 1, 1873, the bank now has a main office at Broadway and Market street and five branches—Haddonfield, Gloucester City, Blackwood, one in South Camden and one in East Camden.…
Catholic Church Benefits In Will
Camden Courier-Post – February 8, 1938 Gertrude L. Higgins Leaves Numerous Bequests to Religious Groups The major portion of a $10,000 and upwards estate is left to religious organizations in the will of Miss Gertrude L. Higgins, of 718 Market Street, which was filed for probate in the office of Surrogate Frank B. Hanna yesterday.…
Open a Special Checking Account
Camden Courier-Post – October 3, 1936 No minimum balance required. No charge for deposits. Statements mailed quarterly with cancelled checks. Investigate today at any office. Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Company Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Faulty Alarm Causes Bank Robbery Scare
Camden Courier-Post – June 2, 1933 A crossed wire in the Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Company‘s burglar alarm system caused a bank robbery scare for a few minutes yesterday afternoon. At 2.28 p. m., the alarm connecting the bank, at Broadway and Market Street, with police headquarters, sounded, Lieutenant Samuel Johnson immediately communicated with…
Bankers Daughter to Sell Thrift Stamps
Camden Daily Courier – May 13, 1918 The committee in charge of the sale of War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps has requested the Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Company to open a booth under the auspices of the Ladies Committee for the sale of stamps. This booth will be in charge of Miss Ruth…
Bank Directory, Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Co.
March 7, 1916 Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Company Camden, N. J. Directors:
Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Company Elects Officers
Philadelphia Inquirer – July 6, 1898 The Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Camden’s leading financial institution, has elected these officers: President, William C. Dayton; vice-president, Alexander C. Wood; treasurer, George W. Wakefield; trust officer, Benjamin C. Reeve; solicitor, Samuel H. Grey.