Tag: Carl R. Evered
Real Estate Safeguard to Purchasers Board Proves Property Here
The Camden County Real Estate Board is an organization composed or Realtors operating in and around Camden County. Organized March 8, 1916, it was incorporated May 10, 1916, with eight charter members. Its growth has been rapid and continuing until today it numbers 100 active members, 3 junior members and 70 associates. In its short…
Camden’s Chamber of Commerce
The Camden Chamber of Commerce is the clearing house of civic activities. The offices are in the Hotel Walt Whitman Annex on Cooper Street near Broadway. It is supported by the business, professional and civic interests of Camden. The Chamber of Commerce was formed in April, 1919, through a reorganization of the old Camden Board…
Willson Says Busiest Month Was in November ‘Recession’
Camden Courier-Post – February 7, 1938 Realtor Sees Defeat of ‘Lawyer’s Bill as Feather in Cap of Board PREDICTS SLUMP WILL END/IN APRIL Harry A. Willson, who recently retired as president of the Camden County Real Estate Board, wants the world to know that he is one of those “who is selling Camden and Uncle…
Camden Votes to Pay Expert on Refunding of City Debts
Camden Courier-Post – February 26, 1936 Applicants With Programs to Be Considered by Board Today COMMISSIONERS AGREE ON KOBUS SUGGESTION Chapter 60 and 77 Author Overruled in Plea to Disregard Proposal Camden’s city commissioners yesterday agreed to select a paid financial adviser to guide the city out of its financial morass. They said they expect…
Advisors Bar 60 Fund Plan; Approve of 77
Camden Courier-Post – February 20, 1936 Forget Politics and Adopt an Honest Budget, City Rulers Told COLLECT TAXES, REPORT Urges Commissions Also Urged to County Affairs By W. OLIVER KINCANNON Disregard Chapter 60. Refinance under Chapter 77. Reinforce that with what security you can give by resolution or ordinance, but Disregard Chapter 60. Use a…
Realty Men Oppose County Park Loans
Camden Courier-Post – August 9, 1933 Resolution Denounces Borrowing of Funds for Projects Not Self-liquidating One of two resolutions adopted yesterday afternoon by the Taxation Committee of the Camden County Real Estate Board opposes the borrowing by Camden county or city of any funds for projects that are not self-liquidating. The resolutions were acted upon…
Borden Honored at Dinner On Election as President Of Real Estate Commission
Leading real estate brokers and notables in other callings paid high tribute last night to Edward J. Borden in honor of his election as president of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission.
Borden to be Guest of Realty Board
Camden Courier Post – June 8, 1933 Newly Elected President of Commission Will Be Honored at Dinner Edward J. Borden will be guest of honor tonight of the Camden County Real Estate Board at a banquet in honor of his election as president of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission. The banquet, to be held…
Camden Post-Telegram – May 1, 1918 Much Important Business Transacted at Real Estate Men’s Annual Meeting. A-SHAPED SIGNS ARE IN DISFAVOR At the annual meeting of the Camden Real Estates Board at the Hotel Ridgway these officers re-elected: President, Wiliam P. Hallinger; vice president, Raymond L. Warren; treasurer, Joseph H. Forsythe; secretary, Robert D. Clow,…